oleh | Agu 10, 2017 | News

[:ID]SUKABUMI. Telah terjadi kebakaran di Kp. Cilawang 02/03 Jampang tengah, kabupaten Sukabumi pada hari Selasa (08/08) lalu sekitar pukul 15.10 WIB. Akibat kebakaran tersebut 1 unit rumah yang dihuni 7 orang (2 KK, atas nama bapak Karji dan bapak Asep) hangus terbakar, dan 2 rumah rusak ringan.

Kejadian tersebut bermula dari konsleting arus listrik dari rumah bapak Karji. Karena rumah warga berhimpitan, maka 2 rumah disampingnya terkena panas dan kaca rumah pecah.

Rumah Zakat Sukabumi mengerahkan relawan untuk melakukan penyaluran pada hari Rabu (09/08) pukul 16.30 WIB sebanyak 8 relawan turun ke lokasi kebakaran.
Bantuan yang disaluran berupa sembako (50 kg beras, 4 L minyak, 2 kg gula pasir, 1 dus camilan coklat, 2 dus mie instan, 2 pak teh celup, 1 renteng kopi, 2 renteng susu sachet, kornet Superqurban), paket Peralatan sekolah meliputi buku 2 pak tulis dan 1 pak pulpen, peralatan rumah tangga (2 kasur lantai, 1 tikar, 1 lemari). Sementara korban saat ini tinggal di rumah keluarganya.

“Hatur nuhun Rumah Zakat kana bantosana, bantuana atos katampi.” tutur pak Karji. “Hatur nuhun Rumah Zakat, mugia mangpaat sareng maslahat.” tutur pak Asep.


Newsroom/Dea Sukmara





 [:en]SUKABUMI. There was a fire in Cilawang Village 02/03 Central Jampang, Sukabumi district on Tuesday (08/08) at around 15:10 pm. The impact of the fire is 1 unit of house inhabited by 7 people (2 families of Mr. Karji’s and Mr. Asep’s) was burnt down, and 2 houses were lightly damaged.

The incident stems from the electric current surge from Mr. Karji’s house. Because the resident houses coincide, then 2 houses beside heat and broken glass house.
Rumah Zakat Sukabumi mobilized volunteers to conduct aids distribution on Wednesday (09/08) at 16.30 WIB as many as 8 volunteers came to the location of fire.

Aid distributed in the form of basic needs (50 kg of rice, 4 L of oil, 2 kg of sugar, 1 box of snack, 2 boxes of instant noodle, 2 packs of tea, coffee and milk sachet, and also Superqurban corned beef), stationary package Including 2 packs of note books and 1 pack of pen, home appliances (2 floor mattresses, 1 mat, 1 cupboard). And now the victim was currently living in their family’s house.

“Hatur nuhun Rumah Zakat kana bantosana, bantuana atos katampi.” (Thank you Rumah Zakat for the help) Karji said. “Hatur nuhun Rumah Zakat, mugia mangpaat sareng maslahat.” (Thank you Rumah Zakat, hopefully this help will be beneficial for us) Asep said.


Newsroom / Dea Sukmara
