oleh | Mar 18, 2019 | News

[:ID]TASIKMALAYA. (3/18) Cipondok Village, Kec. Sukaresik, Tasikmalaya Regency is one of the Village Areas that have been empowered by Rumah Zakat since mid-2018.

In this village Rumah Zakat implements several empowerment programs, both in the fields of economy, health and da’wah.

One of the economic programs being rolled out is empowered breeders where the beneficiaries receive capital assistance and also guidance. One of the recipients of this program is Pak Jono, he received assistance for laying hens.

Nia Kurnia, Rumah Zakat Facilitator in Cipondok Village explained that at the beginning of the program it was not without obstacles, the deadly virus for chickens (local people called it tetelo) spread almost all of the chicken farmers at that time, and made several laying hens owned by Pak Jono forced to be separated and slaughtered.

“Armed with perseverance and the results of brainstorming among breeders, medical formula was found by using papaya leaves as the main ingredient in viral treatment. Moreover, papaya leaves are still very easily found around the village” said Nia Kurnia

Now Pak Jono can get extra income from the chicken eggs he raises. The marketing opportunity is wide open, besides being sold to the market, local residents can also buy eggs directly to Pak Jono.

“The laying hens program have not been managed much in Cipondok village, because generally the villagers raise broilers, because there are not many who keep laying hens, so livestock eggs are very useful and are in great demand from the public and they buy directly here.” said Pak Jono.

Even though it is still a sideline job for pak Jono, the laying hens business is very prospective to be developed. The land for expanding production capacity is available, the ability to make feed until processing of chicken manure has been owned, and therefore Pak Jono plans to do nurseries independently to prepare the regeneration of laying hens. No half-hearted cage with a capacity of 1,000 hens has been prepared.

“Thanks to the Rumah Zakat donators who have provided this, Kang Nia also often accompanies this livestock business. In the future, I hope this business will grow even bigger, so that it can open employment opportunities for CIpondok villagers,” concluded Pak Jono.



Herman / Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]TASIKMALAYA. (3/18) Cipondok Village, Kec. Sukaresik, Tasikmalaya Regency is one of the Village Areas that have been empowered by Rumah Zakat since mid-2018.

In this village Rumah Zakat implements several empowerment programs, both in the fields of economy, health and da’wah.

One of the economic programs being rolled out is empowered breeders where the beneficiaries receive capital assistance and also guidance. One of the recipients of this program is Pak Jono, he received assistance for laying hens.

Nia Kurnia, Rumah Zakat Facilitator in Cipondok Village explained that at the beginning of the program it was not without obstacles, the deadly virus for chickens (local people called it tetelo) spread almost all of the chicken farmers at that time, and made several laying hens owned by Pak Jono forced to be separated and slaughtered.

“Armed with perseverance and the results of brainstorming among breeders, medical formula was found by using papaya leaves as the main ingredient in viral treatment. Moreover, papaya leaves are still very easily found around the village” said Nia Kurnia

Now Pak Jono can get extra income from the chicken eggs he raises. The marketing opportunity is wide open, besides being sold to the market, local residents can also buy eggs directly to Pak Jono.

“The laying hens program have not been managed much in Cipondok village, because generally the villagers raise broilers, because there are not many who keep laying hens, so livestock eggs are very useful and are in great demand from the public and they buy directly here.” said Pak Jono.

Even though it is still a sideline job for pak Jono, the laying hens business is very prospective to be developed. The land for expanding production capacity is available, the ability to make feed until processing of chicken manure has been owned, and therefore Pak Jono plans to do nurseries independently to prepare the regeneration of laying hens. No half-hearted cage with a capacity of 1,000 hens has been prepared.

“Thanks to the Rumah Zakat donators who have provided this, Kang Nia also often accompanies this livestock business. In the future, I hope this business will grow even bigger, so that it can open employment opportunities for CIpondok villagers,” concluded Pak Jono.



Herman / Lailatul Istikhomah[:]