[:ID]TUNTANG, suaramerdeka.com — Taman Pendidikan Al Qur’an (TPQ) Mansyaul Athfal Masjid Al Musytahar, Dusun Jeblosan, Desa Lopait, Kecamatan Tuntang, Kabupaten Semarang bekerja sama dengan RZ menggelar les mata pelajaran umum bagi seratus dua puluh santrinya. Kegiatan ini dimaksudkan untuk mengefektifkan waktu belajar saat TPQ berlangsung di sore hari. Program ini berlangsung setiap hari Senin sampai Jum’at.
Sutono, selaku pengurus TPQ Mansyaul Athfal Masjid Al Musytahar menyampaikan, “Inisiatif kegiatan ini bermula karena belum efektifnya KBM selama TPQ berlangsung. TPQ Mansyaul Athfal, yang artinya tempat berkembangnya anak, saat ini memiliki santri sebanyak 120 anak, namun hanya sekira 80 anak yang rutin mengikuti TPQ selama lima hari dalam sepekan.” katanya.
“Dengan hanya ustadz sejumlah 4 orang, pengurus cukup kewalahan. Namun dengan adanya santri usia SMA yang sudah mampu membaca Al Qur’an, dapat kami berdayakan membantu ustadz-ustadzah mengajar”, imbuh Sutono saat pembukaan program les yang berlangsung di Masjid Al Musytahar Sabtu (27/8).
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dari RZ yang berupa les Mapel Umum bagi santri TPQ merupakan salah satu kegiatan dari Relawan Inspirasi. Gatot Widodo selaku Relawan Inspirasi RZ di Desa Lopait mengungkapkan, “Rumah Zakat memiliki program pemberdayaan masyarakat. Program ini berupa beasiswa, pembinaan masyarakat, sinergi komunitas, optimalisasi potensi desa dan infrastruktur.”
“Setelah empat bulan kemarin RZ menggulirkan program beasiswa, bulan ini kami lanjutkan program berupa les pelajaran tambahan bagi santri TPQ Mansyaul Athfal Lopait. Tujuannya, agar pelaksanaan TPQ lebih efektif, membantu santri yang kesulitan di pelajaran umumnya”, imbuh Gatot.
Dalam kesempatan itu, disampaikan ceramah pembukaan program oleh Drs. Wibowo dari Kesongo. Beliau berpesan bahwa anak adalah amanah, orang tua harus mampu mendidik anak-anaknya menjadi anak yang sholeh. Disampaikan, “Anak sholeh kelak mampu mengajak orang tuanya masuk surga”, imbuh Wibowo.
Bowo juga menyampaikan, ilmu agama dan ilmu dunia perlu diajarkan kepada anak, agar selamat bahagia dunia dan akhirat. “Do’a anak sholeh merupakan salah satu amal ibadah yang pahalanya masih dapat mengalir kepada orang tua yang telah meninggal. Inilah pentingnya mendidik anak menjadi sholeh”, jelas Wibowo memotivasi para orang tua.
Sumber: http://berita.suaramerdeka.com/efektifkan-kbm-tpq-jeblosan-gelar-les-mapel/[:en]TUNTANG, suaramerdeka.com — Taman Pendidikan Al Quran (TPQ) Mansyaul Athfal Al Musytahar mosque, Jeblosan hamlet, Lopait Village, Tuntang District, Semarang regency cooperate with RZ held tutoring class for common subjects for a hundred and twenty of its students. This activity is intended to streamline TPQ time learning that takes place in the afternoon. The program takes place every Monday to Friday.
Sutono, as caretaker of Mansyaul Athfal Al Musytahar mosque said, “this activity began as the ineffectiveness of learning during TPQ progress. TPQ Mansyaul RA, which means that the place where the children develop, students today have a total of 120 children, but only approximately 80 children who regularly follow TPQ for five days a week, “he said.
“With only 4 clerics, the board simply overwhelmed. But with the high-school age students who are able to read the Qur’an, we can ask them to assist the teacher to teach”, said Sutono in the opening of tutoring program held at Masjid Al Musytahar, Saturday (8/27).
Community Empowerment from RZ in the form of tutoring for general subject for students TPQ is one of the activities from Inspiring Volunteer. Gatot Widodo as RZ inspiring Volunteer for Lopait Village revealed, “Rumah Zakat has a community empowerment program. The program is in the form of scholarships, community development, community synergies, optimizing the potential of villages and infrastructure. ”
” RZ scholarship programs have been running for four month, in this month we continue the program in the form of extra tutoring lessons for students of TPQ Mansyaul Athfal Lopait. The goal is to make TPQ lesson become more effective, help students who have difficulty in learning in general, “added Gatot.
On that occasion, Drs. Wibowo from Kesongo delibered opening speech, He advised that the child is a trust, the parents should be able to educate their children become pious child. “Pious children someday be able to invite their parents to go to heaven,” said Wibowo.
Bowo also said, the religion and science need to be taught to the world, so they can meet happiness in world and the hereafter. “Benediction pious child is one of the acts of worship that reward is still flowing to the parents who have died. This is the importance of educating children to become pious “, said Wibowo motivating the parents.
Source: http://berita.suaramerdeka.com/efektifkan-kbm-tpq-jeblosan-gelar-les-mapel/</em[:]