[:ID]YOGYAKARTA. (20/04) Dalam rangka peringatan Hari Kartini, Pemerintah Kabupaten Gunung Kidul menggelar pameran di balai Desa Ngestirejo, Kecamatan Tanjungsari. Desa Berdaya Kemadang, salah satu desa binaan Rumah Zakat diintruksikan oleh pemerintah desa kemandang untuk mengikuti pameran tersebut.
kelompok Sibhori Sekar Tanjung, kelompok usaha binaan Fasilitator Rumah Zakat pun bersiap – siap membuka stand pameran. Ibu GKR Hemas dari PKK Propinsi DIY dan Ibu Hj. Badingah, S.Sos Bupati Gunungkidul yang pada saat pameran menyambangi Stand Sibhori Sekar Tanjung secara singkat menyampaikan, produk shibori layak dikembangkan, dengan potensi pasar di pantai-pantai Gunungkidul, tak hanya itu rombongan ini pun membeli kain Shibori yang di pajang dalam pameran.
“Terus berkarya, jangan patah semangat, ayoo kita harus maju,” ujar Hj. Badingah, S.Sos Bupati Gunungkidul
Ibu-ibu yang ditugasi menjaga stand menjadi semangat, karena produknya dibeli oleh rombongan tersebut.
Nurul / Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]YOGYAKARTA. (20/04) In order to commemorate Kartini Day, Gunung Kidul Regency Government held an exhibition at Ngestirejo Village Hall, Tanjungsari Sub-district. Berdaya Kemadang Village, one of the built Zakat House villages was instructed by the village government to follow the exhibition.
Sibhori Sekar Tanjung group, the business group built by Rumah Zakat was getting ready to open the exhibition stand. GKR Hemas from PKK Province of Yogyakarta and Mrs. Hj. Badingah, S.Sos Regent of Gunungkidul which at the time of the exhibition visited Stand Sibhori Sekar Tanjung briefly convey, shibori product worthy developed, with the market potential in the beaches of Gunungkidul, not only that this group also buy Shibori cloth in display in the exhibition.
“Keep working, do not be discouraged, we must go forward,” said Hj. Badingah, S.Sos Regent of Gunungkidul
The mothers who were assigned watch out the booth were excited because the product was purchased by the entourage.
Nurul / Lailatul Istikhomah[:]