[:ID]JAYAPURA. Kamis (04/04) BPJS Ketenagakerjaan gandeng Rumah Zakat distribusikan bantuan logistik ke Kp. Yongsu Distrik Revenirara, Jayapura yang merupakan salah satu lokasi terdampak banjir bandang dan terisolir. Untuk bisa sampai ke lokasi ini tim Rumah Zakat harus melalui perjalanan darat dan laut karena lokasi kp. Yongsu ini berada di pesisir pantai sebelah Utara kab. Jayapura tepat di belakang Pegunungan Cycloop yang letaknya berhadapan langsung dengan Samudra Pasifik.
“Setelah 1 jam perjalanan dari kantor Cabang Rumah Zakat Jayapura, kami harus melanjutkan perjalanan melewati laut sekitar 2-3 jam dengan kapal Polairud dan Cuaca Yang cukup Extream karena gelombang laut yang cukup besar. Setelah tiba di perairan Kp. Yongsu pun kapal Polairud pun tidak bisa sandar karena cuaca sehingga
barang bantuan harus di lansir menggunakan Perahu Speedboat milik masyarakat” ujar Sujay Saputra, Relawan Rumah Zakat.
Setelah perjalanan panjang akhirnya bantuan dapat tersalurkan kepada Masyarakat di Kp Yogsu. Kp. Yongsu terdapat 87 KK atau sekitar 200 jiwa.
Bapak Markus selalu Kepala Suku menyampaikan apresiasi dan terimakasih sebagai perwakilan masyarakat.
“Luar Biasa Rumah Zakat jauh-jauh kesini untuk menyalurkan bantuan kepada masyarakat kami di sini yang terkena musibah banjir bandang to. Saya mewakili masyarakat mengucapkan terima kasih atas bantuan yang di berikan dari BPJS ini.
Harapan dari kami tim Relawan Rumah Zakat Bahwasanya bantuan logistik ini dapat termanfaatkan dengan baik oleh masyarakat Kp. Yongsu” ujar Bapak Markus.
Izzatul Yazid/ Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]JAYAPURA. Thursday (04/04) BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (Social Insurance Administration Organization for Employee) together with Rumah Zakat distributes logistical assistance to Kp. Yongsu District Revenirara, Jayapura which is one of the locations affected by flash flood and isolated. To get to this location the Rumah Zakat team must travel by land and sea because of the location of the Kp. Yongsu is located on the north coast of the district. Jayapura is right behind the Cycloop Mountains which are located directly opposite the Pacific Ocean.
“After a 1-hour trip from Jayapura branch office, we had to continue the journey through the sea for about 2-3 hours with the Polairud ship and the weather that was quite Extream because the sea waves were quite large. After arriving at Kp. Even Yongsu’s Polairud ship could not stand because of the weather aid goods must be alerted to using community-owned Speedboat Boats, “said Sujay Saputra, Volunteer of Rumah Zakat.
After a long trip finally assistance can be channeled to the community at Kp Yogsu. Kp. Yongsu has 87 families or around 200 people.
Mr. Markus as the Chief of the Tribe expressing his appreciation and thanks as a representative of the community.
“Extraordinary Rumah Zakat all the way here to distribute aid to our community here who are affected by flash floos disaster to. I represent the community to thank you for the assistance provided by BPJS. Hope from us, Rumah Zakat Volunteer Team, that this logistical assistance can be utilized properly by the community of Kp. Yongsu “said Mr. Markus.[:]