[:ID]Jika anak bermain tanah, kemungkinan besar kamu akan mencegahnya tau meminta anak segera mencuci tangan karena takut ada banyak bakteri penyebab penyakit masuk ke tubuh. Hal ini wajar dilakukan banyak orangtua, tapi tahukah kamu, semakin protektif kamu pada anak yang bermain tanah, semakin besar kemungkinan anak mengalami alergi lho.
Penelitian yang dilakukan ilmuwan University of Chicago di bidang microbial ecosystems mengungkapkan bahwa mencegah anak bermain tanah justru mengganggu sistem imunitas anak.
Jack Gilbert, penulis penelitian, mengatakan dalam bukunya Dirt Is Good: The Advantage of Germs for Your Child’s Developing Immune System, mengatakan bahwa ‘langkah pencegahan’ yang biasa dilakukan orangtua terhadap anak ini bisa jadi justru memicu berbagai macam alergi, asma dan penyakit kulit eksema. Membuat tubuh justru menjadi hiper-sensitif terhadap benda bubuk yang halus.
“Kamu memiliki sel prajurit kecil di tubuh yang disebut neutrofil, dan ketika sel-sel ini menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk mencari sesuatu untuk bisa dilakukan, mereka berubah menjadi pemarah dan proinflamasi,” jelasnya.
“Ketika akhirnya mereka melihat sesuatu yang asing, seperti serbuk sari, mereka menjadi eksplosif. Mereka menjadi reaktif, dan itulah yang memicu asma dan eksim, bahkan alergi makanan.”
Dengan kata lain, sel-sel neutrofil ini seperti anak-anak yang butuh bermain dan punya banyak energi untuk dihabiskan. Mereka ingin mengenal sesuatu dari luar tubuh, dan ketika mereka justru ‘tidak boleh bermain’, reaksi yang ditunjukkan ketika melihat benda asing justru berlebihan.
Jack Gilbert menghubungkan dengan beberapa penelitian lama tentang bakteri di sekitar anak yang justru bisa menguatkan kekebalan tubuh, seperti tak sengaja menjatuhkan dot dan dimasukkan kembali ke mulut, dijilati anjing peliharaan, memegang hewan dan lain sebagainya.
Sama halnya dengan bermain tanah, meski ada banyak bakteri di tanah, namun justru bisa memberi manfaat menguatkan kekebalan tubuh anak, selain melatih motorik halus anak terhadap benda.
Mencuci tangan memang kebiasaan baik dan sehat yang perlu dibangun sejak kecil, namun bukan berarti bisa menghentikan anak untuk mengenali benda-benda di sekitarnya. Biarkan anak puas dulu bermain, atau ingatkan sesekali jika kelewat batas.
Setelah bermain, baru ajak anak untuk mencuci tangan dengan sabun biasa, bukan dengan sabun anti-bakteri atau hand sanitizer.
Sumber: Vemale.com[:en]If the child is playing with soil, you will likely prevent it or ask the child to immediately wash his hands for fear that there are many bacteria that cause the disease to enter the body. This is normal for many parents, but do you know, the more protective you are in the children who play the ground, the more likely the child has allergies.
Research conducted by University of Chicago scientists in the field of microbial ecosystems reveals that preventing children from playing with soil actually interfere with the child’s immune system.
Jack Gilbert, the author of the study, says in his book Dirt Is Good: The Advantage of Germs for Your Child’s Developing Immune System, says that the usual ‘preventative steps’ parents take against this child may actually trigger various allergies, asthma and skin diseases eczema . Makes the body become hyper-sensitive to fine powders.
“You have a small soldier cell on the body called neutrophils, and when these cells spend a lot of time looking for something they can do, they turn into angry and proinflammation,” he explained.
“When they finally see something unfamiliar, like pollen, they become explosive. They become reactive, and that’s what triggers asthma and eczema, even food allergies. ”
In other words, these neutrophil cells are like children who need to play and have lots of energy to spend. They want to know something from outside the body, and when they just ‘cannot play’, the reaction shown when looking at foreign objects is excessive.
Jack Gilbert connects with some old research about the bacteria around the child that can actually strengthen immunity, such as accidentally dropped the pacifier and put back into the mouth, licked pet dogs, holding animals and so forth.
Similar to playing the ground, although there are many bacteria in the soil, but it can provide benefits to strengthen the child’s immune, in addition to fine motor training the child against the object.
Hand washing is a good and healthy habit that needs to be built since childhood, but that does not mean it can stop children to recognize the objects around it. Let the child satisfied with his playing, or remind him occasionally if too much.
After playing, just invite the child to wash hands with ordinary soap, not with anti-bacterial soap or hand sanitizer.
Source: Vemale.com[:]