oleh | Sep 11, 2019 | Desa Berdaya, News

[:ID]BLITAR, Ahad (08/09). Ahad pagi jam 07.00 – 7.30, Fasilitator Desa Berdaya Kemloko bersama grup PKK RT 05 RW 02 Desa Kemloko, Kec. Nglegok, Kab. Blitar, Prov. Jawa Timur, mengadakan senam Lansia. Bertempat di halaman rumah Ibu Maryanti. Senam ini diikuti 16 peserta yang sebagian besar berusia lebih dari 50 tahun. Senam dipimpin langsung oleh Lia Qotifah selaku Fasilitator Desa Berdaya Kemloko.

Dengan diiringi musik Mix dari dangdut sampai lagu kebangsaan, senam lansia berlangsung sangat antusias. Ibu-ibu terlihat begitu bahagia saat musik mulai diputar. Tertawa lepas dengan celotehan saling bercanda, para lansia ini melepas sejenak semua masalah yang ada dirumah masing-masing.  Lia Qotifah memimpin senam dengan semangat, sambil berhitung serempak 1 sampai 8. Gerakan senam sengaja dipilih untuk anti struk dan anti hipertensi.

Ini adalah kali pertama senam lansia diadakan di RT 05. Awalnya hanya berbentuk pengobatan dan pemeriksaan kesehatan saja. Namun ketika Fasilitator Desa Berdaya Kemloko mengusulkan di rapat PKK RT, Alhamdulillah respon masyarakat sangat antusias dan mendukung. InsyaAllah senam ini akan dilaksanakan setiap hari Ahad pagi.

Ibu mukini (55 th) menuturkan, “Alhamdulillah senang sekali saget nderek senam. Kersane badane sehat, Matur nuwun Rumah Zakat. (senang sekali bisa ikut senam. Badan akan sehat, Terima kasih Rumah Zakat).”


Hasun / Hanaa Afifah[:en]

BLITAR, Sunday (08/09). Sunday morning at 07.00 – 7.30, the Facilitator of Desa Berdaya Kemloko together with the citizens RT 05 RW 02 Kemloko Village, Kec. Nglegok, Kab. Blitar, Prov. East Java, held elderly exercise. Located in the courtyard of the home of Mrs. Maryanti. The exercise was attended by 16 citizens, most of whom were over 50 years old. The exercise is led directly by Lia Qotifah as the Facilitator of Empowerment Village Kemloko.

With the accompaniment of Mix music from dangdut, Indonesia’s Traditional music, to the national anthem, the elderly exercise takes place very enthusiastically. The seniors look so happy when the music starts playing. Laughing heartily with each other’s jokes, the elderly let go of all the problems that exist in their respective homes. Lia Qotifah led the exercise with enthusiasm while counting in unison 1 to 8. The exercise was deliberately chosen for anti-stroke and anti-hypertension.

This was the first time the elderly exercise was held in RT 05. Initially, it only took the form of medication and medical examinations. But when Kemloko Empowered Village Facilitator proposed at the RT citizens’ meeting, Alhamdulillah the response of the community was very enthusiastic and supportive. Insha Allah, this exercise will be held every Sunday morning.

Mukini (55 years) said, “Alhamdulillah, I am very happy to have a routine exercise schedule. We will be healthy, thank you Rumah Zakat.”


Hasun / Hanaa Afifah[:]