[:ID]Selasa (10/10), Fasilitator Desa Berdaya Rumah Zakat membagikan bibit buah-buahan untuk menambah gizi keluarga. Walaupun setiapa keluarga hanya mendapatkan satu bibit, namun ibu-ibu yang menerima cukup senang.
“Alhamdulillah mas, lumayan nanti kalo sudah berbuah tidak usah beli lagi,” begitu komentar Bu Slamet, salah satu penerima manfaat.
Di kegiatan kali ini Fasilitator Rumah Zakat membagikan sebanyak 30 bibit. Namun karena tidak semua keluarga memiliki lahan untuk tempat menanam maka ada beberapa yang ditanam di kebun gizi di depan balai RT. “Lumayan bisa menambah koleksi tanaman gizi RT,” tutur Bu Budi, pengurus PKK RT.
Selain bibit, Fasilitator juga membagikan media tanam untuk menanam bibit tersebut. Harapannya, dengan pembagian bibit ini dan bibit sudah menjadi pohon berbuah dapat membantu keluarga dalam pemenuhan gizi keluarga.
Newsroom/Kuna Khalid[:en]Tuesday (10/10), Empowered Village Facilitator of Rumah Zakat distributes fruit seeds to increase family nutrition. Although every family gets only one seed, the mothers who receive are quite happy.
“Alhamdulillah, later if it has been fruitful, I do not have to buy anymore, ” said Mrs. Slamet, one of the beneficiaries.
In this activity, the Facilitator of Rumah Zakat distributed 30 seeds. However, since not all families have land for planting, there are some planted in the nutrition garden in front of RT hall. “Not bad can add to the collection of nutrient plants RT,” saidn Mrs, Budi, the board of PKK RT.
In addition to the seeds, the facilitator also distributes the planting medium to plant the seeds. The hope, with the distribution of these seeds and seeds, has become a fruitful tree can help families in the fulfillment of family nutrition.
Newsroom / Kuna Khalid[:]