oleh | Jan 3, 2018 | News

[:ID]SURABAYA. (12/11) Rumah Zakat Surabaya kembali menggelar acara berbagi bersama yatim, kali ini dalam bentuk rihlah ke Lumajang. Pukul 06.00 WIB anak juara dengan penuh semangat berkumpul di SD Juara Surabaya dan bersiap untuk keberangkatan. Acara Berbagi Bersama Yatim kali ini diikuti oleh 45 anak yang berasal dari beberapa wilayah binaan Rumah Zakat Surabaya

Keberangkatan dimulai pukul 07.00 WIB, dengan penuh semangat dan riang gembira anak-anak melalui perjalanan tanpa kendala. Sampai di lokasi acara yakni Tubing Centul City Adventure Lumajang pukul 10.00 WIB, anak juara beristirahat sejenak sambil menikmati snack yang telah disediakan. Acara diawali dengan materi olahraga memanah, masing-masing anak juara berkesempatan praktek memanah didampingi pelatih dari relawan Rumah Zakat Surabaya.

Pukul 12.00 anak juara melakukan sholat dzuhur berjamaah dan mulai bersiap-siap untuk agenda utama yakni tubing. Dengan penuh semangat dan riang gembira anak juara mulai menaiki truk yang akan membawa mereka ke tempat start awal tubing. Pukul 13.30 WIB seluruh peserta meluncur bergantian di sungai dengan ban masing-masing, riuh tawa dan canda terdengar mewarnai alam. Nampak sekali anak juara sangat menikmati perjalanan tubing yang penuh tantangan tersebut. Hingga sampai di garis finish nampak kebahagiaan memenuhi wajah mereka,

“Haaaaaa seru sekali kaaaaak… ada yang lebih menantang dari ini tidak?” Ujar salah satu peserta.

“Aku senang sekali kak, kalau ada lagi aku mau di ajak ikutan lagi kak..” ujar peserta yang lain.

Acara selesai pukul 16.00 WIB, anak juara mulai bersih diri dan persiapan perjalanan pulang. Acara ditutup dengan pembagian bingkisan dan uang saku.

Newsroom/ Didi Umroh

Surabaya[:en]SURABAYA. (12/11) Rumah Zakat Surabaya again held a sharing with orphan event, this time in the form of vacation to Lumajang. At 06.00 am, Anak Juara (Rumah Zakat’s foster children) gathered excitedly at SD Juara Surabaya and preparing for departure. The event followed by 45 children from several assisted areas of Rumah Zakat Surabaya.

Departure starts at 07.00 am, with excited and joyous children through the journey without obstacles. Arriving at the location, Tubing Centul City Adventure Lumajang at 10.00 pm, the children took a rest for a moment while enjoying the snack that has been provided. The event began with archery, each child have opportunity to practice archery accompanied by a coach from volunteers of Rumah Zakat Surabaya.

At 12.00, the children performed the dhuhur prayers together and started preparing for the main agenda. Eagerly and cheerfully the children started to board the truck that will take them to the starting place of the tubing. At 13.30 WIB, all participants fluttered in the river with their respective tires, boisterous laughter and jokes sounded from them. It seems that theyreally enjoyed the challenging tubing trip. Until they arrive at the finish line they are very happy.

“Haaaaaa very exciting kaaaaak … is there a trip that more challenging than this?” said one of the participants.

“I’m very happy kak, I want to join this event again,” said the other participants.

The event finished at 16.00 pm, the children began to clean themselves and preparing for the trip home. The event closed with the distribution of parcels and allowance.

Newsroom/ Didi Umroh
