oleh | Des 10, 2018 | News

[:ID]MAKASSAR. Ahad (10/12). Rumah Zakat Makassar melaksanakan program “Berbagi Bareng Yatim (BBY)“ dengan 30 anak Yatim persembahan dari Warung Kopi Le’leng Kota Makassar melalui donasi Jum’atnya. Kegiatan BBY dilaksanakan di Permandian Je’netallasa Kabupaten Gowa.

Rombongan Anak Juara berangkat pukul 07.00 WITA dan menempuh perjalanan selama satu jam. Gelak tawa peserta meramaikan perjalanan menuju lokasi wisata, mereka nampak tidak sabar untuk tiba di lokasi wisata tersebut. Ketika telah sampai di lokasi wisata, mereka antusias dan siap menikmati wisata wahana air di tempat tersebut.

Sebelum menikmati wahana air, fasilitator yang bertugas memandu kegiatan melaksanakan aneka Fun Games per kelompok untuk mengakrabkan peserta karena mereka datang dari wilayah binaan yang berbeda-beda. Diawali dengan perkenalan dan kemudian bermain secara berkelompok. Kelompok yang paling banyak memenangkan Fun Games kemudian mendapatkan hadiah.

Setelah bermain Fun Games, kemudian dilanjutkan acara bermain bebas. Anak-anak menikmati wahana air dan permainan indoor di tempat tersebut. Saat istirahat mereka makan siang bersama dan mendapatkan bingkisan serta uang santunan. Kegiatan berakhir pukul 13.00 WITA dan peserta segera kembali pulang ke Makassar.

Ikhsan (8 tahun) mengungkapkan kegembiraannya bisa diajak mengikuti kegiatan Berbagi Bersama Yatim, “Alhamdulillah, senang sekali kak. Banyak permainan, bisa berenang bersama dan makan bersama”.

Anak anak terlihat bersuka cita menikmati kegiatan sejak awal hingga selesainya kegiatan. Bagi mereka melakukan perjalanan berwisata adalah hal yang langka dan mewah sehingga terlihat antusias mereka mengikuti kegiatan ini.


Muthmainnah/Abdullah Tsabit[:en]MAKASSAR. Sunday (10/12). Rumah Zakat Makassar carried out the program “Share with orphans (BBY)” with 30 orphans from the Warung Kopi Le’leng Makassar City through donations on Friday. BBY’s activities were held at the Je’netallasa Bath in Gowa Regency.

Anak juara Rumah Zakat foster children departed at 07.00 WITA and traveled for one hour. The laughter of the participants enlivened the trip to the tourist sites, they seemed impatient to arrive at the tourist site. When they arrived at tourist sites, they were enthusiastic and ready to enjoy water rides.


Before enjoying water rides, the facilitator in charge carried out various Fun Games per group to familiarize the participants because they come from different target areas. Start with introductions and then play in groups. The group that wins the most Fun Games then gets a prize.

After playing Fun Games, then proceed with free play. Children enjoy water rides and indoor games. During breaks they have lunch together and get gifts and compensation. The activity ended at 1:00 p.m. and the participants immediately returned to Makassar.

Ikhsan (8 years old) expressed his excitement that he could be invited to join the Sharing with Orphans activity, “Thank God, I am very happy, Sis. There were many games, I could swim together and eat together ” he said.

Children look happy to enjoy the activities from the beginning until the completion of the activity because for them traveling is a rare and luxurious thing, so they were enthusiastic to take part in this activity.


Muthmainnah / Abdullah Sabit[:]