[:ID]WAJO. (02/07) Seperti pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya, salah satu daerah yakni di Kecamatan Tanasitolo Kabupaten Wajo, Sulawesi Selatan kembali tergenang air akibat Danau Tempe yang meluap akibat hujan dan rendahnya daerah pemukiman warga. Sebanyak kurang lebih 200 rumah warga dan puluhan hektar sawah terus terendam banjir sehingga mengakibatkan warga mengalami kerugian yang banyak.
Kali ini 5 orang Tim Relawan Rumah Zakat Makassar melakukan penyaluran kepada para korban banjir. Di bantu oleh warga dan Kepala Desa setempat, Relawan berhasil menyalurkan 30 Karung Beras, 30 Minyak Goreng (1 Ltr), 30 Dus Air Mineral, Gula dan lain lain kepada para korban bencana banjir tahunan ini.
Selain itu, warga juga menuturkan bahwa walaupun banjir musiman ini sudah mereka antisipasi setiap tahunnya, tetapi warga berharap pemerintah dapat lebih memperhatikan mereka terutama dalam hal kesehatan, lapangan kerja serta mencarikan solusi agar banjir seperti tidak terjadi lagi.
“Kami sangat berterima kasih kepada para anak muda Relawan Rumah Zakat ini. Terima kasih banyak atas bantuannya. Hanya Allah Swt. ang mampu membalasnya dengan sebaik-baik balasan”ujar salah satu warga.
Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]WAJO. (02/07) As in previous years, one of the areas in Tanasitolo Sub-district, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi was flooded again due to Tempe Lake which overflowed due to rain and low residential area. A total of approximately 200 houses and tens of hectares of rice fields continue to be flooded so that residents suffered a lot of losses.
This time 5 volunteers from Rumah Zakat Makassar volunteered to the flood victims. Assisted by local residents and Village Chief, Volunteers successfully distributed 30 Sacks of Rice, 30 Cooking Oil (1 Ltr), 30 Carton of Mineral Water, Sugar and others to the victims of this yearly flood disaster.
In addition, residents also said that although this seasonal flood they have anticipated every year, but residents hope the government can pay more attention to them, especially in terms of health, employment and finding solutions to floods like it does not happen again.
“We are very grateful to Volunteers Rumah Zakat. Thank you so much for your help. May Allah repay your kindness “said one of the residents.
Lailatul Istikhomah[:]