ACEH. Setelah menempuh perjalanan selama 3 jam karena banjir, bantuan dari RZ berupa beras, telur, sarung, obat dan paket Superqurban RZ untuk para korban bencana telah sampai di Tunong Kreung, Aceh Besar, Rabu (5/11).
“Kebutuhan yang sekarang sangat dibutuhkan oleh warga akibat dampak longsor dan banjir di Aceh ini adalah selimut, slambu, obat-obatan dan sarung,” tutur Regional Head RZ Sumatra Tri Yanto.
Tri Yanto menambahkan, hari ini RZ salurkan 100 paket sembako ke 100 KK ke rumah-rumah warga yang bertahan di rumahnya.***
Newsroom/Tri Yanto
ACEH. The volunteer of RZ has successfully reached the flood disaster post after 3 hours of expedition. They had a mission to distribute assistance for the flood victims in Tunong Kreung, Aceh Besar, Wednesday (5/11).
In this opportunity, the brought rice, eggs, sarong, medicines, and Superqurban corned. “What they need for displaced is blanket, valance, medicines, a foodstuff,” Tri Yanto, Regional Head of RZ Sumatra, said.
According to Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) or Regional Disaster Management Agency of Aceh, there are more than 5.000 houses submerged by flood in Southwest Aceh.
Yanto said that RZ plans to distribute 100 packages of groceries for 100 families that stay at home.***