[:ID]CIKARANG. Senin (29/05) Bank Sampah Sempu (BSS) binaan Rumah Zakat tengah berulang tahun yang ke 4. Kader BSS dan para partisipan sangat antusias dan ceria merayakan Milad Bank Sampah Sempu. Bertempat di Masjid Mujahidin Kawasan Industri Jababeka Kp. Sempu RT. 04/04 Desa Pasir Gombong Kecamatan Cikarang utara, Bekasi.
Perarayan Milad Bank Sampah Sempu sekaligus Berbagi Buka Puasa persembahan dari Rumah Zakat, 250 orang hadir tediri dari masyarakat Desa Pasir Gombong, tokoh masyarakat, Pemdes Pasir Gombong, Ketua Bank Sampah Bekasi beserta jajarannya.
Dalam acara perayaan milad Bank Sampah Sempu dihadiri juga oleh Hapli, Ketua Bank Sampah Bekasi (BSB). Beliau Sangat mengaparesiasi Peran Bank Sampah Sempu dalam beragam programnya yang sangat menarik.
“Bank Sampah Sempu bagus sekali melakukan edukasi Tidak hanya di ruang lingkup Bank Sampah saja namun dikegiatan sosial lainya, semoga bertambah manfaatnya buat masyarakat ,” ungkap Hapli
Selain itu juga turut hadir Ibu Mimin, Ibu Lurah Desa Pasir Gombong, dalam sambutannya beliau mendukung keberadaan bank sampah sempu dan akan memfasilitasi untuk kreatifitas Ibu-ibu Desa pasir Gombong. “Ibu-ibu dirumah saya ada mesin jahit, untuk membangun kretifitas saya persilahkan untuk dimanfaatkan.” tutur Ibu Mimin selaku Ibu lurah Desa Pasir Gombong.
Dalam perayaan milad BSS hadir juga ustadz Imam Hambali, pembina Bank Sampah Kab. Bekasi untuk memberikan tausyah dan motivasi Tentang Tazkiyah (Mensucikan diri), ” Di bulan Ramadhan ini tidak hanya fokus pada diri kita, tapi lingkungan pun harus diperhatikan agar terasa nyaman,”. Tutur Ustadz Imam.
Bank Sampah Sempu Merupakan program Kampung Berseri binaan Rumah Zakat, sudah empat tahun meberikan pelayanan nyata membantu menyelesaikan persoalan sampah di Desa Pasir Gombong, terbukti hadirnya sekolah sampah, Gerakan Pilah Sampah, sekolah buta huruf, gerakan 100 biopori/RT, Sosilita Sempu Berbagi (SOSBEG), Penghimpunan Eco Brick, Tercatat 40 Nasbah aktif dan 150 Partisipan Bank Sampah, Semoga denganya terus meberikan pelayanan yang lebih kepada masyarakan sehingga masyarakat semakin lebih merasakan manfaatnya.
Cikarang[:en]CIKARANG. Monday (29/05) Bank Sampah Sempu (BSS) Rumah Zakat Empowerment had been celebrating the 4th anniversary. BSS cadres and participants was very enthusiastic and cheerful to celebrate the 4th anniversary Sempu Trash Bank. Located at the mosque of Mujahidin Jababeka Industrial Estate Kp. Sempu RT. 04/04 Pasir Gombong Village, North Cikarang Subdistrict, Bekasi.
The celebrating of Sempu Trash Bank also enliven with Share the Ifthar Package from Rumah Zakat, 250 people attended from the community of Pasir Gombong Village, community leaders, Pemdes Pasir Gombong, Head of Bekasi Trash Bank and their staffs.
In the celebration of Sempu Trash Bank was also attended by Hapli, Chairman of Bank Sampah Bekasi (BSB). He highly apreciate the Sempu Trash Bank role in a variety of very interesting programs.
“Sempu Trash Bank is very good to educate Not only in the scope of Trash Bank, but also other social activities, may increase the benefits for the community,” said Hapli
In addition, Mimin, the Village Head lady of Pasir Gombong Village was also present, in his speech she supported the existence of Sempu Trash Bank and will facilitate for the creativity of Mothers in Village of Pasir Gombong. ” Moms ! in my house there is a sewing machine, to build our creativity. i invited to be utilized.” Said Ms. Mimin as the head lady of Pasir Gombong village.
In celebration also present ustadz Imam Hambali, the coach of Trash Bank Kab. Bekasi to give tausiyah and motivation About Tazkiyah (Purification), “In this month of Ramadan not only focus on ourselves, but the environment must be considered to feel comfortable,”. Ustadz Imam said.
Sempu Trash Bank It’s a program of Kampung Berseri Rumah Zakat empowerment, has been giving real service to help solve garbage problem in Pasir Gombong Village four years. it proved by the presence of garbage school, Garbage Garbage Movement, illiterate school, the movement of 100 bioporis / RT, Sosilita Sempu Berbagi (SOSBEG ), Eco Brick Gathering, Recorded 40 active Nasbah and 150 Waste Bank Participants, Hopefully continue to give more services to the community so that more and more people feel the benefits.
Newsroom / Faidi