oleh | Sep 26, 2016 | News

[:ID]banjirgarut-ibu-sri-salah-satu-pahlawan-kala-bencana-melandaGARUT. Ini adalah Ibu Sri, kepala Dapur Umum RZ di lokasi bencana banjir bandang Garut. Ibu Sri bersama tim Dapur Umum RZ ini bertugas menyediakan 3000 nasi bungkus setiap hari untuk kebutuhan makan warga terdampak banjir Garut di 3 RW. Alhamdulillah, rumah Ibu Sri tidak terkena dampak banjir bandang yang melanda Garut beberapa hari lalu. Namun, rumah anak dan cucunya terkena banjir.

Ibu Sri sangat bersemangat membantu menyediakan makanan bagi pengungsi sejak hari pertama. “Allah masih melindungi Ibu dan keluarga pas kejadian banjir kemarin, jadi Ibu pengen bisa ngebantu warga yang jadi korban.” Ujar Ibu Sri.

Di sela-sela kesibukannya mempersiapkan makan siang, Ibu Sri bercerita tentang cucunya (4 th) yang mengalami trauma akibat banjir.

Cucu Ibu Sri tinggal di Cimacan, salah satu daerah yang terdampak banjir paling parah akibat luapan sungai Cimanuk, Garut. Pada saat terjadi banjir bandang, cucu beliau sempat hilang dari pukul 23.00 Wib dan baru ditemukan oleh tim SAR pukul 04.00 Wib di atas atap sebuah rumah.

Sejak kejadian itu, cucunya tidak bisa tidur nyenyak. Tiap malam selalu terbangun dan gelisah, sang cucu takut kalau saat tidur akan hanyut terbawa banjir. Tiap terbangun, cucu Ibu Sri selalu bilang kalau dia tidak mau tidur, dan saat siang hari pun selalu bilang kepada Neneknya kalau dia tidak akan tidur.

Semoga cucu Ibu Sri dapat segera terlepas dari rasa takutnya, serta kita bisa menjadi bagian yang beraksi nyata membantu semangat Bu Sri membantu sesama kala duka dan bencana melanda.

Garut[:en]banjirgarut-ibu-sri-salah-satu-pahlawan-kala-bencana-melandaGARUT. Ibu Sri, head of the Public Kitchen RZ on the location of flood disasters in Garut. Ibu Sri with RZ public Kitchen team is responsible for providing the 3000 rice packets every day for residents affected by floods in 3 RW. Alhamdulillah, Ibu Sri’s home is not affected by flash floods that hit Garut few days ago. However, her children and grandchildren’ house effected by the flood.

Ibu Sri is excited to help provide food for the refugees since the first day. “Allah still protects me and my family when the flood happened yesterday, so i want to help residents who become victims.” Said bu Sri.

In between busy preparing lunch, Ibu Sri told us about her granddaughter (4 years old) who were traumatized by the floods.

Ibu Sri’s grandson lives in Cimacan, one of the areas affected by the most severe floods due to overflowing of Cimanuk River, Garut. When the flood happened, her grandson disappeared since 11.00 pm and was found by SAR team at 04.00 a.m on the roof of a house.

Since the incident, his grandson could not sleep well. Every night he always awake and restless, the grandson feared that when she sleep will be swept away by the flood. Every time he wake up, Ibu Sri grandson always said if he does not want to sleep, and when the day was always told her grandmother that he would not sleep.

May bu Sri’s grandson can recover from his fear, and we could be a part of the real action to help Bu Sri and help others when disaster strikes.
