[:ID]SUMBAWA. Setelah dua hari sebelumnya 4 kecamatan di Kabupaten Sumbawa diterjang banjir, yaitu di Kecamatan Sumbawa, Lab. Badas, Empang dan Tarano. Jumat kemarin (10/02), banjir meluas ke Kecamatan Moyo Hilir, Kabupaten Sumbawa. Akibatnya, 5.086 KK atau 19.888 terdampak banjir dan membutuhkan bantuan.
Relawan RZ Sumbawa pun segera menambah jumlah personil yang turun sebanyak 20 orang, sehingga total relawan yang diturunkan sejak Kamis lalu (09/02) hingga Sabtu pagi lalu (11/02) sebanyak 25 orang.
Relawan RZ fokus mendistribusikan bantuan logistik dan nasi bungkus ke posko-posko pengungsi dan kepada warga yang masih bertahan di rumahnya masing-masing.
“Selain nasi bungkus dan bantuan logistik, kami juga membantu warga bersih-bersih rumah dan fasilitas umum karena sebagian wilayah banjirnya sudah mulai surut,” jelas Repi, Koordinator Relawan RZ Sumbawa.
Aksi peduli bencana yang dilakukan Relawan RZ meliputi Kelurahan Brang Bara, Kelurahan Samapuin, Kelurahan Bugis, dan Desa Karang Dima, Kabupaten Sumbawa.
Hingga saat ini, para Relawan dan warga masih tetap siaga mengingat cuaca yang belum bersahabat. Awan pekat masih menghantui langit Sumbawa, begitu juga hujan yang masih setia menemani.
Kebutuhan darurat lainnya yang dibutuhkan warga terdampak banjir Sumbawa adalah air mineral, air bersih, perlengkapan kebersihan dan makanan siap santap.
Newsroom/Ria Arianti
Sumbawa[:en]SUMBAWA. After two days earlier four districts in Sumbawa have been flooded, like in the District of Sumbawa, Lab. Badas, Empang And Tarano. On Friday Yesterday (10/02), the flood was widespread to Moyo Hilir Subdistrict, Regency of Sumbawa. As a result, 5.086 or 19.888 families affected by flood, and now they need lots of help.
RZ Sumbawa Volunteers immediately increased the number of Personnel who would be dispatched around 20 people, so that the number of volunteers dispatched since Thursday (09/02) till Saturday morning (11/02) was 25 people.
RZ volunteers helped to distribute Logistics and food package to the all refugees posts and to the citizens who still were enduring stay at their homes.
“Besides rice packets and logistics assistance, we also helping residents to clean houses and public facilities because some of flood area was starting to reced,” said Repi, Coordinator of RZ Sumbawa Volunteer.
On this Disaster Care Action RZ Volunteer were in charge in Brang Bara Village, Samapuin Village, Bugis Village, and Karang Dima Village, Sumbawa.
Currently, the volunteers and people still were stay alert due to the weather was still not really good. Dark clouds still haunt the sky of Sumbawa, and so is the rain.
The emergency needs that needed by the flood victims are mineral water, clean water, hygiene kits and ready to eat food.
Newsroom / Ria Arianti