oleh | Jan 26, 2018 | News

[:ID]KEDIRI. Hujan yang terus mengguyur Kota Kediri membuat sebagian lokasi di Kediri terdampak banjir, seperti pada daerah Polaran Kelurahan Manesrenggo, sekitar 2 RT di daerah Polaran terendam banjir dan lebih dari 100 rumah terendam.

Tak hanya soal hujan, banjir pun berasal dari luapan air dari sumber jimput dan blabah serta drainase yang kurang baik. Akses jalan warga pun terhambat karena banjir merendam beberapa ruas jalan.

“Alhamdulilah, air yang menggenang sudah surut lebih dari 20 cm” Ujar Relawan Rumah Zakat, Dea Sukmara.

Hari ini (26/01) Tim Relawan Rumah Zakat Kediri beserta BPBD Kota dan Walikota Kediri begerak menuju lokasi bencana banjir, dalam aksi kali ini Relawan menyalurkan 40 paket hygiene kit untuk warga terdampak.

“40 paket hygiene kit disalurkan untuk warga, merekapun masih memerlukan bantuan seperti sembako dan obat obatan terutama obat gatal,” kata Dea.

Warga pun berharap adanya pelayanan kesehatan karena sudah mulai banyak warga yang terserang penyakit seperti gatal – gatal dan diare.

Newsroom/ Lailatul Istikhomah


 [:en]KEDIRI. The rain that continues to flush the city of Kediri makes some locations in Kediri affected by floods, such as in Polaran Manesrenggo sub district, about 2 neighborhood in Polaran area submerged by floods and more than 100 houses submerged.

Not only about rain, floods also come from the overflow of water from Sumber jimput and blabah and the drainage is not good. Access road residents were hampered because the floods soaked several roads.

“Alhamdulilah, the flood has receded more than 20 cm” said Volunteer of Rumah Zakat, Dea Sukmara.

Today (26/01) Volunteer Team of Rumah Zakat Kediri along with BPBD Kota and Mayor of Kediri move to flood disaster location, in action this time Volunteer distributed 40 package hygiene kit for citizens affected.

“40 packages of hygiene kits are distributed to residents, they still need help such as basic food and medicines, especially itching drugs,” said Dea.

Residents also hoped for health services because it has started many people who attacked diseases such as itching and diarrhea.

Newsroom/ Lailatul Istikhomah
