Apakah lemari es Anda meninggalkan bau tak sedap setiap harinya?
Memilah dan menyimpan makanan di dalam kulkas wajib dilakukan agar aromanya tidak bercampur. Anda bisa menggunakan plastik atau box khusus yang bisa mencegah aroma tersebut. Namun bila sudah terlanjur harus bagaimana?
Langkah 1.
Keluarkan semua benda yang berbau tak sedap, dan periksa bahan-bahan yang sudah kadaluarsa dan seharusnya dibuang.
Langkah 2.
Simpan beberapa koran bekas di dalam lemari es dan biarkan semalaman. Koran tersebut akan menyerap aroma tak sedap dan keesokan harinya aroma kulkas jadi segar kembali.
Langkah 3.
Pastikan menyimpan semua barang sesuai pada tempatnya, khususnya ikan dan daging.
Untuk mencegah aroma tak sedap di kulkas setiap harinya, Anda bisa menyimpan satu atau dua bola-bola yang terbuat dari koran bekas di dalam kulkas dan dengan rutin menggantinya.
Selain itu, secara rutin bersihkan kulkas dengan air bersih ya.
Sumber: vemale.com
Make sure your fridge is clean. If not, turn it off, take everything out while it is defrosting, store the food on the balcony if it is cold enough outside, or in a cooler. Clean all the shelves and drawers with a thick paste of baking soda and water. Not only will you remove food stains but odor as well.
You can then continue deodorizing your fridge with baking soda. Place an open container with baking soda inside and let it absorb the smells for at least 24 hours.
If baking soda doesn’t help, you can also distribute freshly ground coffee evenly on a plate and put it in the fridge for 24 hours. Coffee is known to absorb smells effectively. Instead of throwing the coffee away after the 24-hour stay in the fridge you can mix it with soil and use it as a fertilizer for your home flowers.
Another option you can consider is cutting an onion in half and placing it in the empty fridge overnight. Remove the onion and leave the door of the fridge open for a while.
To freshen the smell of your fridge (with or without using the onion) you can also soak a piece of cotton wool in vanilla and leave inside for 12 hours which will produce a lovely fresh and clean aroma.
With these tips, you can easily keep your kitchen and fridge clean and fresh for a minimum price. Speaking of minimum price, here’s some refrigerator energy efficiency tips and habits that are sure to save you money and lower your carbon footprint.
Just remember that a fridge smells only as bad as its contents. Take care to choose your food wisely and to store it appropriately and you will rarely need to deodorize.