oleh | Aug 25, 2017 | Inspirasi

[:ID]PENELITI Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) Hasto Andi Irawan mengatakan membaca Al Quran secara tartil dapat menjadi salah satu cara untuk menurunkan skala nyeri pada ibu pascamelahirkan secara caesar.

Hasto menjelaskan penelitian yang ia lakukan, setelah membaca Al Quran selama 10 menit, 16 dari 31 pasien yang dijadikan sampel di Rumah Sakit Nur Hidayah Yogyakarta mengalami penurunan dari berbagai skala nyeri setelah menjalani operasi caesar.

Menurut mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan (FKIK) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) angkatan 2009 itu, nyeri dapat dihambat oleh adanya rangsangan saraf lain yang lebih kuat.

“Ketika membaca Al–Quran, tubuh melibatkan tiga jenis saraf yakni saraf untuk membaca ayat, menyuarakan, dan mendengarkan, sehingga rasa nyeri yang diterima otak berkurang,” katanya.

Ia mengatakan, penelitian itu telah direprentasikan pada “International Conference on Cross Cultural Collaboration in Nursing for Sustainable Development” di Bangkok, Thailand, 9-10 September 2013.

“Penelitian itu mendapatkan reaksi positif dari para peserta konferensi yang mayoritas non-Muslim. Mereka tertarik, antusiasme mereka sangat tinggi karena mereka baru pertama mengetahui penelitian seperti itu,” katanya.

Menurut dia, dirinya bangga dapat mempresentasikan hasil penelitiannya di luar negeri. Apalagi, konferensi itu diikuti peserta yang jenjang pendidikannya lebih tinggi.

“Sebagian besar peserta yang mempresentasikan hasil karyanya pada konferensi itu sudah S-2 dan S-3, bahkan ada yang profesor,” katanya.

Ia mengatakan, konferensi itu diselenggarakan Christian University of Thailand didukung oleh Azusa Pacific University of California dan Kimyung University.

Sumber: Islampos.com[:en]Researcher of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UMY) Hasto Andi Irawan said reading Quran with tartil can be one way to decrease the scale of pain for postpartum mother.

Hasto explains the research he did, after reading the Qur’an for 10 minutes, 16 of the 31 patients who were sampled at the Nur Hidayah Hospital Yogyakarta experienced a decrease of various pain scales after undergoing a cesarean section.

According to students of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK) Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UMY) 2009, the pain can be inhibited by the presence of other stronger nerve stimuli.

“When reading the Quran, the body involves three types of nerves, the nerves to read verses, voicing, and listening, so the pain received by the brain is reduced,” he said.

He said the research has been presented at the International Conference on Cross Cultural Collaboration in Nursing for Sustainable Development in Bangkok, Thailand, 9-10 September 2013.

“The research received positive reactions from the majority non-Muslim conference participants. They are interested, their enthusiasm is very high because they are the first to know such research, “he said.

According to him, he is proud to present his research results abroad. Moreover, the conference was followed by participants whose education level is higher.

“Most of the participants who presented their work at the conference are Master and Doctor, and some were professors,” he said.

He said the conference was organized Christian University of Thailand supported by Azusa Pacific University of California and Kimyung University.

Source: Islampos.com[:]

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