oleh | Okt 2, 2017 | News

[:ID]YOGYAKARTA. Senin (02/09), kini RW 10, Desa Berdaya Patehan,
Kecamatan Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta terlihat asri dan berseri,
pasalnya atas sinergi dari Fasilitator Desa Berdaya Rumah Zakat
dan KWT (Kelompok Wanita Tani) RW 10 program kampung asri
dapat terealisasi.

“Ini merupakan penjabaran dari Program Senyum Lestari Rumah
Ibu-ibu sangat antusias menyiapkan segala hal terkait
dengan program ini” ujar Edy Dwi Daryapto, Fasilitator Desa
Berdaya Rumah Zakat.

Penyediaan pot-pot bunga Portulaca, atau dikenal dengan krokot di
mulai pada Kamis sore (26/09), Edy pun menuturkan bahwa ibu –
ibu terlibat langsung dalam semua proses seperti survei lokasi
penjualan, pembelian pot, media tanah dan bunga hingga proses

Program ini pun diharapkan menjadi sarana edukasi untuk warga,
juga diharapkan bisa memunculkan rasa memiliki dari warga untuk
kemudian bisa merawatnya bersama.

“Semoga dengan adanya Program Kampung Asri ini, akan membuat
kampung RW 10 menjadi semakin asri dan indah sehingga berkesan
untuk warga dan wisatawan yang melalui kampung kami. Terima
kasih Rumah Zakat,” ucap Ibu Kurniyati Buchori, Ketua Kelompok
Wanita Tani RW 10 Patehan.

Newsroom/ Lailatul Istikhomah
Yogyakarta[:en]YOGYAKARTA. Monday (02/09), now RW 10, Patehan Empowered Village, Kecamatan Kraton, Yogyakarta City looks beautiful and fresh because of the synergy of Rumah Zakat’s Facilitator and KWT (Women Farmer Group) RW 10 beautiful village (Kampung berseri) program can be realized.

“This is the realization of Senyum Lestari Program from Rumah Zakat. The mothers are very enthusiastic to prepare everything related with this program “said Edy Dwi Daryapto, Empowered Village Facilitator of Rumah Zakat.

Provision of Portulaca flower pots, otherwise known as Krokot started on Thursday afternoon (09/26), Edy also said that the member of KWT are directly involved in all processes such as site surveys, purchasing pots, soil media and flowers until the process planting.

This program is also expected to be a means of education for citizens also expected to bring a sense of belonging from the citizens to take care of the plant together.

“Hopefully with this Program, will make RW 10 village becomes more beautiful so memorable

for residents and tourists who through our village. Thank you Rumah Zakat” said Kurniyati Buchori, Group Chairman of RW 10 Patehan Farmer.

Newsroom/ Lailatul Istikhomah