oleh | Sep 8, 2016 | News

[:ID]aries-anak-juara-berprestasi-diterima-di-universitas-pertaminaBANGKALAN. (24/08). Akrab dipanggil Aries, ia tinggal di Jl. Sumber Sari No. 19 RT 04/RW 03 Desa Banyuajuh, Kecamatan Kamal, Bangkalan adalah penerima beasiswa ceria ICD Banyuajuh RZ. Banyak prestasi baik di bidang akademik maupun non akademik telah diraih.

Remaja kelahiran 1 Agustus 1997 ini pernah menjadi pelajar Pelopor Tertib Lalu Lintas tingkat Kabupaten Bangkalan. Di bidang olahraga ia pun pernah menorehkan prestasi sebagai juara 1 lomba Bola Volly tingkat Kecamatan Kamal, bahkan di dunia film dokumenter dan acting pun ia pernah dinobatkan sebagai Juara 1 dan The Best Actor tingkat SMAN 2 Bangkalan.

Selain berprestasi di bidang non akademik, prestasi akademik Aries pun tak kalah membanggakan. Ia meraih Juara 2 ranking paralel tingkat kelas. Putra kedua dari tiga bersaudara alm. Muhammad Rusli tersebut tidak berhenti di situ dalam berprestasi, setelah lulus dari Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) ia melanjutkan pendidikan pada jenjang kuliah dengan jalur prestasi dan tes diterima di Universitas Pertamina, Program Studi Ilmu Komputer. Hampir tidak akan daftar ulang, disebabkan tidak memiliki biaya cukup.

Ibunya Siti Mariyah, hanya berjualan nasi pesanan tidak mampu membiaya sampai kuliah. “Bersyukur diterima Universitas Pertamina, walaupun daftar ulang biaya terbatas Pak.” demikian penuturan Aries kepada Ja’par Relawan Inspirasi RZ. Remaja dengan nama lengkap Aries Dwi Prasetiyo tersebut bertekad akan tetap melanjutkan kuliah sambil bekerja agar dapat mencicil biaya daftar ulang dan tentunya melanjutkan kegiatan edukasi di tempat kuliahnya.

Newsroom/Wanda Yulianto
Bangkalan[:en]aries-anak-juara-berprestasi-diterima-di-universitas-pertaminaBANGKALAN. (08/24). Fondly called Aries, he lives in Jl. Sumber Sari No. 19 RT 04 / RW 03 Banyuajuh Village, Kamal District, Bangkalan, Aris is beneficiary of ceria scholarship in RZ’s ICD Banyuajuh. Many achievements in both academic and non academic fields have been achieved.

The boy who was born August 1, 1997 had become the Pioneer students of Orderly Traffic of Bangkalan regency level. In the field of sport he managed to be the winner in Volly Ball in district level, even in the world of documentary films and acting ever he had been named as the 1st and the Best Actor of SMAN 2 Bangkalan.

In addition to excel in non-academic, academic achievement Aries is no less proud. He won the 2nd ranking parallel in grade level. The second son of three sibling from Rusli Muhammad (decease) did not stop reaching the achievement, after graduating from high school, he continues his education at the college level through achievements category and test, therefore he passed the test and registered as a student in the University of Pertamina, Computer Science Program. But unfortunately he was just about not to register himself because he got no money.

His mother Siti Mariyah, only sell food by order is not able to finance him up to college. “I am thankful received in the University of Pertamina, although the cost of re-registration is limited” Thus the he said of Aries to Ja’par RZ inspiring volunteer. The boy with the full name of Aries Dwi Prasetiyo determined to continue college while working in order to repay the cost of re-registration and of course continuing education activities at the college.

Newsroom/Wanda Yulianto