BANJARMASIN. Salah satu hasil kerja sama antar Lotte Mart dan RZ dalam bidang pelayanan kesehatan adalah dengan adanya Ambulance Gratis Lotte Mart – RZ. Ambulance gratis ini aktif memberikan pelayanan kesehatan khususnya pelayanan darurat bagi masyarakat.
Seperti halnya pada Selasa (02/08) kemarin, Ambulance Gratis Lotte Mart – RZ kembali melayani masyarakat dengan melakukan pengantaran jenazah dari salah seorang warga di Banjarmasin. Almarhum adalah pak Hamzi, warga yang tinggal di JI. Laksana Intan, gang Istiqlal, Banjarmasin. Almarhum tutup usia pada usia 80 tahun.
“Beliau meninggal dikarenakan faktor usia yang telah lanjut. Selama hidupnya beliau terkenal ramah dengan para tetanganya sehingga tidak sedikit orang yang bersedih dengan kepergiannya.” kata Maskur, Project Monev RZ.
Jenazah diantar dari tempat tinggalnya ke pemakaman umum TPU Al Amanah, Loktobat, Banjarmasin. Semoga Allah swt menerima amal ibadahnya dan mengampuni segala dosanya.
One result of cooperation between Lotte Mart and RZ in the field of health care realized in Lotte Mart – RZ’s Mobile free Ambulance. This free Ambulance active in providing health services, especially emergency services for the community.
As is the case on Tuesday (08/02), Lotte Mart – RZ’s Mobile free Ambulance come back to serve the community by delivering the dead body of Banjarmasin’s resident. The deceased is Mr. Hamzi who lived at JI. Laksana Intan, gang Istiqlal, Banjarmasin.. The deceased died at the age of 80 years.
“He died because of the age factor that has been advanced. During his life he famously hospitable with his neighbors so not few people are saddened by his death”Said Maskur, RZ’s Project Monitoring and Evaluation.
The body was ushered from his home to the public cemetery TPU Al Amanah, Loktobat, Banjarmasin. May Allah accept his good deeds and forgive all his sins.