[:ID]PONTINAK. Rabu (05/04) Hendra Rivaie, petugas Ambulan Rumah Zakat wilayah operasi Kota Pontianak kembali menjalankan amanahnya. Pagi hari, ia mengantarkan seorang pasien emergency dari bilangan Teluk Pari, Kel. Siantan Hilir, Pontianak Utara.
“Saya ditelpon oleh keponakan pasien. Katanya pasien terjatuh di rumahnya. Saya langsung menuju lokasi,” ungkap Hendra.
Hendra membawa pasien darurat tersebut ke Rumah Sakit terdekat yaitu RSUD Soedarso. Hendra menambahkan bahwa jarak rumah pasien ke Rumah Sakit hanya 12 Km sehingga pasien tidak perlu menunggu terlalu lama untuk mendapat penanganan medis.
“Sampai di Rumah Sakit ternyata Alhamdulillahnya pasien hanya perlu di rawat jalan. Saya langsung bantu proses pendaftarannya hingga masuk ke ruang periksa,” ujar Hendra.
Usai menunggu pasien ditangani, Hendrapun kembali mengantarkan pasien menuju rumahnya di Gp. Teluk Pari.
Newsroom/Kuna Khalid
Pontianak[:en]PONTIANAK. Wednesday (05/04) Hendra Rivaie, ambulance officer of Rumah Zakat Pontianak City area, running back his mandate. In the morning, he drove an emergency patient from bilangan Teluk Pari, Kel. Siantan Hilir, Nort Pontianak.
“I was called by the nephew of the patient. He said the patient fell in his home. I went straight to the location, “said Hendra.
Hendra bring an emergency patients to the nearest hospital that Soedarso Hospital. Hendra added that within the patient’s home to the hospital only 12 Km, so that patients do not have to wait too long to receive medical treatment.
“Arrived in The hospital, thanks to God, it turns out the patients only need outpatient treatment. I immediately assist the registration process to enter the examination room, “said Hendra.
After waiting for patients to be handled, Hendra back to deliver him to her home in Gp. Pari bay.
Newsroom/Kuna Khalid