oleh | Feb 15, 2018 | News

[:ID]BREBES. (14/02) Rumah Zakat synergize with police, TNI, Damkar BPBD and BNPB Kab. Brebes conducted  Care for Disaster action by cleaning Radusanga River. Since the high rainfall of river water flow has increased and Radusanga spilled overflowing homes in some areas such as Kec. Wanasari, Songgom, Kec. Jatibarang, Kec. Prohibition, other than that 196 people were displaced in GOR Sasana Krida Adhi Karsa Brebes and Jami Al Farkhan Krasak Mosque.

“We are synergizing to the clean-up river from water plants, hopefully later the water flow to the beach no longer disturbed,” said Sujay, field coordinator of Rumah Zakat volunteers.

In addition to cleaning the river, By a rubber boat volunteers also distribute food packages, pudding, and Superqurban corned beef to residents in the village of Limbangan Kulon and Limbangan Wetan in kec. Brebes affected by the most severe floods up to 1 meter.

“Residents in Limbangan are still surviving in their homes so we distribute the assistance directly with rubber boats, we also set up a Warm Posit in Refugee,” Sujay added.

“We thank the team of Rumah Zakat volunteers who has helped, it is very beneficial for us,” said Mr. Rino (55 Years) Limbangan Kulon Residents

Relief needs by the effected people are groceries, ready-to-eat foods, mineral water, medicines and baby diapers.

Newsroom / Lailatul Istikhomah

Brebes[:en]BREBES. (14/02) Rumah Zakat synergize with police, TNI, Damkar BPBD and BNPB Kab. Brebes conducted  Care for Disaster action by cleaning Radusanga River. Since the high rainfall of river water flow has increased and Radusanga spilled overflowing homes in some areas such as Kec. Wanasari, Songgom, Kec. Jatibarang, Kec. Prohibition, other than that 196 people were displaced in GOR Sasana Krida Adhi Karsa Brebes and Jami Al Farkhan Krasak Mosque.

“We are synergizing to the clean-up river from water plants, hopefully later the water flow to the beach no longer disturbed,” said Sujay, field coordinator of Rumah Zakat volunteers.

In addition to cleaning the river, By a rubber boat volunteers also distribute food packages, pudding, and Superqurban corned beef to residents in the village of Limbangan Kulon and Limbangan Wetan in kec. Brebes affected by the most severe floods up to 1 meter.

“Residents in Limbangan are still surviving in their homes so we distribute the assistance directly with rubber boats, we also set up a Warm Posit in Refugee,” Sujay added.

“We thank the team of Rumah Zakat volunteers who has helped, it is very beneficial for us,” said Mr. Rino (55 Years) Limbangan Kulon Residents

Relief needs by the effected people are groceries, ready-to-eat foods, mineral water, medicines and baby diapers.

Newsroom / Lailatul Istikhomah
