[:ID]PONTIANAK. (17/08) Relawan Rumah Zakat bersama tim BPBD, BNPB, TNI, Serta Pemadam Kebakaran turun aksi memadamkan lahan terbakar di area Parit H Husain 2 Ujung.
Asap tebal menyelimuti, Relawan mengevakuasi bayi berusia 3 bulan yang rumahnya tidak jauh dari lahan terbakar hanya berjarak 10 meter saja.
Selain itu pemberian masker dan vitamin C untuk warga dan tim pemadam juga terus di lakukan sebagai antisipasi kesehatan dan mencegah infeksi pernafasan.
“Aksi ini akan terus berlanjut karena titik api diperkirakan masih banyak dan mendekati rumah warga,” ujar Asrul, Branch Manager Rumah Zakat Pontianak.
Yadi / Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]PONTIANAK. (17/08) Rumah Zakat Volunteers with the BPBD, BNPB, TNI team, and the Fire Department went down in action to extinguish the burning land in the Trench H Husain 2 Ujung area.
Thick smoke enveloped, Volunteers evacuated a 3-month-old baby whose house not far from the burnt area was only 10 meters away.
In addition, the provision of masks and vitamin C for residents and fire teams also continued to be carried out in anticipation of health and preventing respiratory infections.
“This action will continue because there are still many hotspots and approaching people’s homes,” said Asrul, Branch Manager of Rumah Zakat Pontianak.
Yadi / Lailatul Istikhomah[:]