oleh | Feb 23, 2018 | News

[:ID]JOMBANG. (23/02) Banjir terjadi di kecamatan Mojoagung Jombang karena curah hujan tinggi yang terjadi sejak Rabu (21/02) malam hari membuat sungai Kaligunting dan Catakakgayam meluber.

Akibatnya Ratusan rumah terendam banjir dan 5297 jiwa terdampak. Nazaruddin (13 th) tercatat sebagai korban yang sampai saat ini belum ditemukan karena hanyut tersapu arus pada saat berenang di sungai Catakakgayam.

Sejak kejadian banjir hingga sekarang Rumah Zakat telah menugaskan 5 orang Relawan untuk melakukan Aksi Peduli Bencana. Dalam aksi tersebut Relawan bertugas membantu di Dapur Umum, mensuport kebutuhan Logistik di Dapur Umum, Menyalurkan Pakaian layak pakai dan distribusi Hygiene kits untuk warga.

“Hari ini kami bersama warga dan TNI membuat Tanggul darurat, selain itu Tim Relawan yang bertugas Dapur Umum masih support makanan untuk beberapa titik warga yang masih membutuhkan bantuan,” ujar Marta, Korrdinator Aksi Peduli Bencana Jombang

Tadi malam (22/02) pengungsi di posko Gambiran mencapai 197 jiwa termasuk 24 Balita dan 18 Lansia, hari ini warga mulai kembali kerumah masing-masing untuk bersih-bersih.

“Walapun warga mulai kembali ke rumah masing, warga masih membutuhkan bantuan terutama kebutuhan Logistik,” tambah Marta.

Newsroom / Lailatul Istikhomah
Jombang[:en]JOMBANG. (23/02) Flood  occurred in Mojoagung Jombang sub-district due to high rainfall that occurred since Wednesday (21/02) night made Kaligunting River and Catakakgayam River overflowed.

As a result Hundreds of houses were flooded and 5297 people were affected. Nazaruddin (13 years old) was recorded as a victim who until now has not been found because of swept away while swimming in the river Catakakgayam.

Since the flood incident up to now Rumah Zakat has assigned 5 volunteers to carry out Care for disaster Action. In the action Volunteers are tasked by assisting in the Public Kitchen, support Logistics needs in the Public Kitchen, Distributing clothing and Hygiene kits for residents.

“Today we are together with the people and the Army to make Emergency Lane, besides the Volunteer Team in charge of Public KItchen still support food for some point of the people who still need help,” said Marta, Coordinator of volunteer for Jombang flood.

Last night (22/02) refugees at Gambiran posts reached 197 people including 24 Toodlers and 18 Elderly, today residents start returning to their homes to clean up.

“Even though the residents started to return to their homes, people still need help, especially the needs of logistics,” added Marta.

Newsroom / Lailatul Istikhomah
