[:ID]BANDUNG BARAT. Senin, (05/03) Pukul 06.00 WIB Tanah Longsor terjadi di Kampung Bonjot rt 03 rw 11 Desa Buninagara Kecamatan Sindangkerta Kab. Bandung Barat yang menyebabkan 4 rumah tertimbun, 7 Unit rusak dan menyebabkan 2 org meninggal dunia.
(06/03) Rumah Zakat langsung mengerahkan Tim Relawan untuk turut serta dalam evakuasi pencarian korban yang masih tertimbun. Bersama BPBD, Basarnas, TNI, POLRI, PMI dan lembaga lainnya, Relawan berjibaku dengan tanah merah untuk mencari korban.
“Tim Relawan mebawa alat pompa air dan pemotong kayu untuk membantu proses evakuasi, kami juga mendistribusikan bantuan,” Ujar Koordinator lapangan di Kasi Peduli Bencana Longsor Sindangkerta.
Bantuan berupa 11 paket logistic, 100 kaleng Kornet Superqurban dan 4 buah lemari langsung di distribusikan di posko utama BPBD diterima langsung oleh Atep Rudi (23 tahun) selaku kepala dusun Rw 03 Desa Buninagara Kecamatan Sindangkerta Kabupaten Bandung Barat.
Newsroom / Lailatul Istikhomah
Bandung Barat[:en]WEST BANDUNG. Monday, (05/03) At 06.00 AM Landslide hit in Bonjot Village rt 03 rw 11 Buninagara Village Sindangkerta District West Bandung which caused 4 houses buried, 7 Units damaged and caused 2 persons died.
(06/03) Rumah Zakat immediately mobilizes Volunteers Team to participate in the evacuation of search victims who are still buried. Together with BPBD, Basarnas, TNI, POLRI, PMI and other institutions, volunteers struggled with red soil to search for victims.
“The Volunteers team brought the water pump and wood cutter to assist the evacuation process, we also distribute the aid,” said Field Coordinator for the action.
Assistance in the form of 11 logistic packages, 100 cans of Superqurban corned and 4 cabinets directly distributed at the main post of BPBD received by Atep Rudi (23 years) as the head of Rw 03 village of Buninagara village, Sindangkerta sub-district, West Bandung regency.
Newsroom / Lailatul Istikhomah
West Bandung[:]