[:ID]PROBOLINGGO. (05/02) – Banjir bandang sungai Pekalen Kamis (01/02) telah menyebabkan bantaran sungai Pekalen melebar dan merusak beberapa bangunan rumah, sekolah dan kandang milik warga di Kec. Tiris Kabupaten probolinggo.
Salah satu desa terdampak adalah Desa Andungbiru yang merupakan desa terdekat dengan hulu sungai. Di Desa Andungbiru 80 KK terdampak, SDN Andungbiru 1 dan SMPN 1 Atap terendam banjir, jembatan yang menghubungkan dua desa terputus, landang kambing terbawa arus, kolam ikan siap panen milik salah satu warga di desa Andungbiru rusak dan 3 KK harus direlokasi. Sementara itu PBD Kab. Probolinggo menghimbau agar masyarakat menjauh dari bantaran
sungai untuk menghindari banjir bandang susulan.
Ahad (04/02) Rumah Zakat menugaskan 12 orang relawan ke lokasi banjir untuk melakukan aksi peduli bencana meliputi assesment, koordinasi dengan pihak terkait, aksi bersih-bersih fasilitas umum dan rumah warga yang terdampak, serta distribusi bantuan sembako seperti telur, beras, gula, minyak goreng, kopi, teh, biskuit, 10 paket alat kebersihan kami distribusikan untuk warga terdampak.
“Kami juga turut mensupport fasilitas pos hangat denga menyediakan 200 cup minuman hangat gratis untuk warga dan relawan di lapangan”, ujar ika, Relawan Probolinggo.
“Hari ini (05/02), rencana aksi yang akan kami lakukan adalah melanjutkan pembersihan SDN Andungbiru 1 dari material banjir, penyaluran bantuan, support tenaga pembenahan jalan desa dan jembatan sementara serta pos hangat”, lanjut Ika.
Newsroom/ Lailatul Istikhomah
Probolinggo[:en]PROBOLINGGO. (05/02) – Pekalen river flooding that happened on Thursday (01/02) has caused the Pekalen river banks to widen and destroy some houses, schools and goat’s heels owned by residents in Tiris District Probolinggo Regency.
One of the affected villages is Andungbiru village which is the nearest village with the river upstream. In Andungbiru Village 80 households affected, SDN Andungbiru 1 and SMPN 1 inundated, the bridge connecting two villages was cut off, the goat’s heels are swept away, fish pond ready for harvest damaged and 3 HHs should be relocated. Meanwhile PBD Probolinggo appealed to people to stay away from the riverbanks to avoid flash floods.
Sunday (04/02) Rumah Zakat commissioned 12 volunteers to the flood site to conduct disaster-related actions covering assessment, coordination with related parties, clean-up of public facilities and affected houses, and distribution of food aid such as eggs, rice, sugar , cooking oil, coffee, tea, biscuits, 10 hygiene kits are distributed to affected residents.
“We also support the warm post facility by providing 200 cup of free hot drink for the citizens and volunteers in the field”, said ika, Volunteer Probolinggo.
“Today (05/02), the action plan that we will do is to continue cleaning SDN Andungbiru 1 from flood material, aid distribution, support of village road repair and temporary bridge and warm post”, Ika continued.
Newsroom / Lailatul Istikhomah