BANDAR LAMPUNG. Hujan yang mengguyur kecamatan Ketibung mengakibatkan banjir dan sejumlah rumah tenggelam. Sejak siang tadi, Rumah Zakat Lampung telah mengirimkan empat relawan ke lokasi banjir di Kecamatan Ketibung, Lampung Selatan untuk meninjau lokasi terdampak banjir.
Menurut Hamid, koordinator relawan, tim yang diturunkan bertugas untuk melakukan asessment kebutuhan korban terdampak banjir yang melanda serta membantu warga membersihkan serta membereskan tempat tinggal dan fasilitas umum.
Para relawan membantu warga mengamankan barang-barang berharganya supaya tidak terbawa arus banjir. Dengan bekerjasama warga dan relawan pekerjaan menjadi terasa ringan dan warga terbantu dalam mengevakuasi benda-benda yang bisa diselamatkan.
“Kami menurunkan tim tanggap darurat untuk survey kondisi banjir terkini dan membantu aktivitas warga masyarakat”, kata Hamid.
Selain membantu aktivitas masyarakat, relawan juga mengirimkan logistik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan korban bencana banjir seperti bahan pangan.
“Kami juga akan segera menurunkan tim relawan tambahan menuju lokasi untuk membawa logistik berupa bahan pangan serta kebutuhan lain yang dibutuhkan oleh warga masyrakat terdampak bencana”, tambah Hamid.
Silvia Zakiah Itsnaini[:en]BANDAR LAMPUNG. The rain that flushed the Ketibung sub-district caused flooding and a number of houses submerge by the water. Since this afternoon, Rumah Zakat Lampung has sent four volunteers to the flood site in Ketibung Subdistrict, South Lampung to assest the locations affected by the flood.
According to Hamid, the volunteer coordinator, the team that was deployed was tasked with assessing the needs of victims affected by the floods and helped residents clean up their homes and public facilities.
Volunteers help resident’s secure valuable items so they are not carried away by the flood. By collaborating with residents and volunteers the work becomes light and the people are helped in evacuating objects that can be saved.
“We deployed the emergency response team to survey the latest flood conditions and help the community ,” said Hamid.
In addition to helping community activities, volunteers also sent logistics to meet the needs of flood victims such as food.
“We will also immediately deploy additional volunteer teams to the location to bring logistics in the form of food and other needs needed by the community affected by the disaster,” Hamid Aid.
Silvia Zakiah Itsnaini[:]