[:ID]SUMENEP, Rabu (09/10) – Dusun Pabengkon, Desa Romben Guna, Kab. Sumenep, Madura, memiliki tanah yang bersifat tadah hujan. Di musim kemarau lahan dibiarkan tidur dan tidak diolah karena keterbatasan air. Warga sangat kesulitan mendapat air bersih untuk keperluan sehari-hari. Hanya ada satu sumur dengan debit air kecil di rumah warga yang digunakan oleh sekitar 160 warga, termasuk untuk keperluan masjid.
Air dari sumur tersebut jauh dari cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan warga. Apalagi ketika musim kemarau tiba, air sumur cenderung menyusut. Rata-rata warga membeli air dari desa tetangga yang dialirkan melalui pipa kecil yang juga sangat terbatas.
Hari Rabu, 09 Oktober 2019 proses pengeboran sumur bor program wakaf sumber air dari Rumah Zakat mulai dilaksanakan. Titik pengeboran terletak di lahan Masjid Nur Muhammad di ujung utara desa. Alhamdulillah pengeboran air di hari pertama berjalan lancar dan sudah mencapai kedalaman 25 meter. Kendala utama pekerjaan adalah terbatasnya jumlah air untuk membantu proses pengeboran yang acapkali menunggu hingga air kembali terisi.
Perlengkapan lain untuk proses pengeboran telah siap. Mesin marsebel, jaringan pipa, tandon, kabel, besi cor dll. Warga sekitar juga antusias membantu proses pengeboran. Menyiapkan air, menyediakan makan hingga membantu pekerja turunkan mesin bor. Warga merasa sangat terbantu dan bahagia dengan adanya bantuan sumur bor dan infrastruktur dari Rumah Zakat. Terlebih selama ini permasalahan kesulitan air kurang mendapat perhatian dari berbagai pihak. Sementara warga kesulitan untuk mengebor secara mandiri.
“Sumber air dalam, berbatu dan biayanya mahal. Terima kasih, disini air sangat sulit. Untuk masjid saja sebagiannya mesti beli ke desa tetangga. Terima kasih, sumur bor ini semoga jadi solusi bagi keaulitan air di tempat kami”, ujar Pak Jibno, imam Masjid Nur Muhammad.
Suri Rahma / Hanaa Afifah[:en]SUMENEP, Wednesday (09/10) – Dusun Pabengkon, Romben Guna Village, Kab. Sumenep, Madura, has rain-fed land. In the dry season, the land is left to sleep and is not treated because of limited water. Residents have it very difficult to get clean water for daily needs. There is only one well with a small water discharge in the residents’ homes which is used by around 160 residents, including for the needs of the mosque.
The water from the well is far from enough to meet the needs of the residents. Especially when the dry season arrives, well water tends to shrink. The average citizen buys water from a neighboring village which is channeled through a small pipe which is also very limited.
On Wednesday, October 9, 2019, the process of drilling the wells of the waqf water source program from Rumah Zakat began to take place. The drilling point is located in the Nur Muhammad Mosque area at the northern end of the village. Alhamdulillah water drilling on the first day went smoothly and had reached a depth of 25 meters. The main obstacle in the project is the limited amount of water to assist the drilling process which often needs the workers to wait until the water is refilled.
Other equipment for the drilling process is ready. Furniture machinery, pipelines, reservoirs, cables, cast iron, etc. Residents around are also enthusiastic about helping the drilling process. Preparing water, providing food to help workers lower the drilling machine. Residents feel very helped and happy with the help of the artesian well and infrastructure from Rumah Zakat. Especially so far the problem of water shortages has not received the attention of various parties. While residents find it difficult to drill independently.
“Deep, rocky and it is expensive to make a water source by ourselves. Thank you, in this village, obtaining water is very difficult. For the mosque alone some of it must be bought in from the neighboring village. Thank you, this bore well may be a solution for our water difficulties,” said Mr. Jibno, the Imam of Nur Muhammad Mosque.
Suri Rahma / Hanaa Afifah