[:ID]LOMBOK. Mantan Gubernur Jabar, Ahmad Heryawan kunjungi shelter pengungsian korban terdampak gempa di Desa Menggala kecamatan Pemenang Kabupaten Lombok Utara. Senin siang, (24/09). Dalam kunjungannya, Aher menjelaskan bahwa dirinya menyengajakan untuk menemui warga terdampak gempa di Lombok. “Kunjungan ini bersifat pribadi. Saya ingin mengetahui kondisi warga di sini.” Ucap Aher.
Selepas dzuhur, Aher menyempatkan untuk berbincang dengan warga yang ada di sekitar shelter pengungsian. “Tetap semangat, ini adalah ujian kita bersama.” Ucapnya menyemangati warga.
Warga yang berada di shelter pengungsian merasa bahagia dengan kedatangan Aher. Bagi Ibu Husnul, kedatangannya merupakan hal yang sangat menggembirakan. “Saya merasa masih banyak orang yang peduli Lombok, terutama Pak Aher ini.” Ujarnya.
Aher pun tak lupa menyemangati relawan. Beliau berpesan agar relawan tetap semangat dalam mengabdi. Berapapun waktu yang kita habiskan untuk di Lombok, pasti tidak akan sia-sia.
Eti / Lailatul IStikhomah[:en]LOMBOK. Former West Java governor, Ahmad Heryawan visited the evacuation shelter of earthquake victims in Menggala village, the district of the winner of North Lombok Regency. Monday afternoon, (24/09). During his visit, Aher explained that he intentionally come to see the earthquake affected people in Lombok. “This visit is personal. I want to know the condition of the people here. “Said Aher.
After dzuhur, Aher took the time to talk with the residents around the evacuation shelter. “Stay motivated, this is our joint test.” He said encouraging residents.
Residents who live in refugee camps can be happy with the arrival of Aher. For Ibu Husnul, his arrival was very encouraging. “I feel there are still many people who care about Lombok, especially Mr. Aher.”
Aher did not forget to encourage volunteers. He advised the volunteers to remain enthusiastic in serving. No matter how much time we spend on Lombok, it will definitely not be in vain.
Eti / Lailatul IStikhomah[:]