oleh | Mei 29, 2015 | Inspirasi

Menjadi ibu adalah pengalaman yang luar biasa. Setelah proses melahirkan yang cukup menguras energi dan pikiran, akhirnya bayi mungil hadir dipelukan. Perhatian ibu kini terpusat pada tumbuh kembang sang bayi.

Kebutuhan bayi akan ASI adalah mutlak diperlukan karena ASI adalah makanan terbaik bagi bayi. Ibu perlu menjaga asupan makanan agar produksi ASI melimpah sehingga program ASI ekslusif dapat berjalan dengan lancar.

Makanan yang dikonsumsi oleh ibu menyusui akan mempengaruhi kualitas produksi ASI. Karena itu seharusnya ibu mengonsumsi makanan yang sehat dan menunjang produksi ASI. Berikut ini beberapa jenis makanan yang baik untuk dikonsumsi agar ASI melimpah:

1.Daun katuk

Daun katuk sangat popular di kalangan ibu menyusui. Berdasarkan penelitian, daun katuk kaya akan protein, kalium, fosfor, zat besi, vitamin A, B1 dan vitamin C. Katuk juga mengandung alkaloid dan sterol yang mempengaruhi produksi ASI. Daun katuk lazimnya dijadikan sayur bening atau sayur bobor.


Edamame atau kedelai Jepang ini memang sumbernya protein nabati. Edamame juga mengandung vitamin K, mangan, asan folat, vitamin C, riboflavin, zat besi, magnesium, fosfor, dan kalium sehingga sangat baik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan protein harian ibu menyusui. Kekurangan protein bisa membuat produksi air susu berkurang, bahkan cadangan protein dalam tubuh akan ikut berkurang. Edamame biasanya dijadikan camilan setelah direbus.

3.Bunga Pepaya

Siapa sangka bunga papaya memiliki manfaat terhadap produksi ASI. Bunga papaya ternyata kaya vitamin A dan vitamin C. Bunga yang berwarna kuning pucat ini juga mengandung kalsium dan fosfor. Bunga papaya baik untuk mempercepat proses pencernaan protein karena adanya enzim papain, yang berguna untuk memecah protein yang Anda makan, apalagi saat menyusui dibutuhkan protein sekitar dua kali lipat dibanding kebutuhan normal. Bunga papaya juga bisa merangsang nafsu makan. Biasanya bunga papaya dikonsumsi dengan cara ditumis.

4.Bayam hijau/merah

Bayam kaya vitamin B6, za besi, protein, thiamin, ribloflavin, asam folat, kalsium, magnesium, fosfor, kalium, vitamin A, C, E, K dan B6. Bayam rendah kalori, sama sekali tidak mengandung lemak, tapi kaya nutrisi. Pilih bayam yang warna pekat, hijau atau merah. Kepekatan warna adalah salah satu ciri kandungan karoten yang lebih banyak yang bermanfaat untuk melawan radikal bebas. Olah bayam menjadi sayur bening.

5.Pare atau paria

Sayuran ini memang sangat pahit rasanya. Tapi, ternyata pare memiliki khasiat yang sangat manjur untuk mengentalkan dan memperbanyak produksi ASI. Pare mengandung vitamin K, likopen, fitokimia lutein, dan anti oksidan. Selain untuk kelancaran ASI, pare juga bagus untuk merangsang produksi insulin, menurunkan kadar gula di dalam darah, dan anti kanker.

6.Kacang hijau

Vitamin B1, protein, fosfor, tiamin, mangan, kalium, magnesium, dan asam folat yang terkandung dalam kacang hijau membantu mencukupi kebutuhan protein dan energi ibu.

7.Pepaya dan buah-buahan kaya air

Pepaya, semangka dan buah-buahan kaya kandungan air sangat baik untuk ibu menyusui. Buah-buahan ini Kaya vitamin A, vitamin C, asam folat, dan kalium. Papaya baik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kalium di masa menyusui. Merawat balita cukup menguras tenaga, sehingga bila Anda kekurangan kalium maka akan merasa sangat lelah. Kekurangan kalium juga menyebabkan perubahan suasana hati menjadi seperti depresi, sementara saat menyusui Anda perlu berpikiran positif dan bahagia.

Sumber: ummi-online/TitisIf you are a breastfeeding mom, you may be wondering if there are any foods that can improve your milk supply. Foods with lactation-promoting properties are called lactogenic foods or galactagogues. Adding lactogenic foods to your diet, along with frequent nursing or pumping can give your milk supply a boost. Here are the best supply-boosting foods for breastfeeding moms.


Oatmeal has long been recommended as a way for moms to boost their milk supply. Researchers know that oatmeal has properties in it that help to lower cholesterol and maintain a healthy blood pressure. These properties in oatmeal may also help with other functions in the body including lactation. Nutrition may not be the only reason why oatmeal is good for breastfeeding moms though. Oatmeal is a comfort food. When a woman sits down and eats a bowl of oatmeal, it may help her to relax, which in turn may cause her body to release oxytocin (a hormone involved in milk production). In addition, being relaxed may help with the milk let-down process.


Breastfeeding increases your caloric needs and your need for certain vitamins and minerals. Spinach is a good source of calcium, iron, Vitamin K, A, and folate. Folate (or folic acid) is particularly important for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Dark leafy green vegetables like spinach also contain phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens, which are believed to promote breast tissue health and lactation, are plant-based chemicals that have similar properties as estrogen.


Carrots are a lesser known galactagogue, but like spinach, they contain phytoestrogens. Carrots are also high in beta-carotene and Vitamin A, both of which lactating mothers have an increased need for. Carrot juice is especially great for breastfeeding moms. It is believed to provide extra energy needed by lactating women, and it may improve the supply and quality of breast milk. Drinking a cup of carrot juice just before lunch may give your afternoon supply a boost.


Papayas have been commonly used in Asia as a galactagogue. Traditionally, it is made into a soup using green (not ripe) papayas. Its lactogenic properties have not been studied, but it is thought that the enzymes and phytochemicals in papaya may enhance breast tissue as well as improve lactation. Papaya has also been used as a natural sedative. The sedating quality may help you to relax, and at the same time help with the milk let-down process.

Brown Rice

Oatmeal is the whole-grain food you often hear about when it comes to supply-boosters, but brown rice is another whole grain that is notable when it comes to lactation. Brown rice is unprocessed rice with just the outer-most hull removed. It’s a complex carbohydrate, which provides mom with energy needed for breastfeeding, but it also helps with milk production in another way. Researchers have discovered that eating brown rice may cause an increase in serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate your moods, appetite, and sleep, but it also stimulates prolactin secretion. Prolactin, as mentioned earlier, is a key hormone involved in lactation.


Salmon is a great source of essential fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids. EFAs and Omega-3 fatty acids, like what’s found in salmon, are thought to give your milk supply a boost even though they are not technically considered a galactagogue. There are a couple of reasons why we think EFAs and Omega-3s help increase a woman’s supply. The first is that they simply improve mom’s nutrition so that she can produce the hormones necessary for milk production. In addition, EFAs are part of what breast milk is made up of. Essential fatty acids are a key component in breast milk. Naturally, having more EFAs available will allow mom to produce fattier, more nutritious, breast milk.


Drinking more water is one of the best ways to improve your milk supply. Nursing depletes your body of fluids so it makes sense that drinking water will help you to stay hydrated and produce more milk. Don’t get carried away though. Research has found that drinking extra fluids (above what you would drink if you simply drank to thirst) does nothing to improve milk supply, and in fact, may reduce your supply instead. So keep it simple; when you feel thirsty or before you sit down to nurse grab a large cup of water.

Source: http://www.justmommies.com/babies/top-ten-lactogenic-foods-foods-that-improve-your-milk-supply#ixzz3bWHkSZcv