oleh | Sep 8, 2017 | News

[:ID]SLEMAN. Rumah Zakat menyalurkan 30.000 liter air ke Desa Nawung, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Jumat (8/9). Bantuan tersebut diberikan karena di lokasi tersebut selama musim kemarau mengalami kekeringan.

Sebanyak 157 Kepala Keluarga atau sekitar 521 jiwa terbantu mendapatkan akses air bersih. Untuk mendapatkan air tersebut, warga harus mengambil ke Bale Pedukuhan yang berjarak sekitar 5 km dari rumah.

“Terima kasih Rumah Zakat sudah kirim air bersih buat kami. Selama musim kemarau air sumur di rumah kami kering, susah mau apapun juga,” kata Rubinem, salah satu warga Nawung.

Rumah Zakat akan terus memberikan akses air bersih kepada warga di Desa Nawung dengan total 100.000 liter air untuk memenuhi kebutuhan warga.

“Kami sudah salurkan bantuan air bersih di desa ini sejak kemarin, totalnya sudah mencapai 40.000 liter. Warga di wilayah ini selalu kesulitan air ketika musim kemarau,” ujar Rahmad Widodo,  Relawan Inspirasi Sleman,Yogyakarta.

Selain di Desa Nawung, rencananya tim Rumah Zakat akan menyalurkan kembali air bersih di Desa Gedangsari, Gunung Kidul sebanyak 35.000 liter, pada Sabtu, (9/9).

Sleman[:en]SLEMAN. Rumah Zakat distributes 30,000 liters of water to Nawung Village, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Friday (8/9). The assistance is provided because at that location during the dry season is experiencing drought.

A total of 157 heads of household or about 521 people helped to get access to clean water. To get the water, residents must take to Bale Pedukuhan which is about 5 km from home.

“Thank you Rumah Zakat has sent clean water for us During the dry season the well water in our house is dry, hard to do anything,” said Rubinem, one of Nawung residents.

Rumah Zakat will continue to provide clean water access to residents in Nawung Village with a total of 100,000 liters of water to provide the needs of residents.

“We have distributed clean water aid in this village since yesterday, the total has reached 40.000 liters,” said Rahmad Widodo, Empowered Village Facilitator in Sleman, Yogyakarta.

In addition to the village of Nawung, the plan Rumah Zakat team will channel the clean water in the village of Gedangsari, Gunung Kidul as much as 35,000 liters, on Saturday, (9/9).

Newsroom / Dian