[:ID]SURABAYA. Libur telah tiba…Libur biasanya diisi dengan banyak kegiatan, salah satunya saatnya khitan bagi anak laki-laki yang belum khitan. Waktunya khitan massal bersama teman-teman.
Tanggal 21 Desember 2017 lalu, telah dilakukan khitan massal TA-TK-SD AL AZHAR SYIFA BUDI Surabaya bekerja sama dengan Rumah Zakat. Sebanyak 24 anak melakukan khitan massal.
H.Oni Kristanto Ketua Yayasan Aurelia TA-TK-SD AL AZHAR SYIFA BUDI Surabaya menyampaikan terimakasih kepada seluruh peserta dan orangtua serta mendoakan semoga acara khitan berlangsung lancar tanpa kendala.
Dilanjutkan penyerahan piagam pihak Rumah Zakat kepada TA-TK-SD AL AZHAR SYIFA BUDI Surabaya serta penyerahan simbolis bingkisan (sarung, baju koko, celana khitan) kepada salah satu peserta khitan. Sebelum proses khitan, diberikan tauziah seputar kewajiban khitan bagi seorang muslim oleh ustad Imron Ghozali dan di tutup dengan do’a.
Selanjutnya pemanggilan peserta khitan sesuai urutan nomor kedatangan untuk dilakukan khitan di ruang khitan. Selama proses berlangsung peserta lain di berikan kegiatan game bersama dengan doorprize yang telah disediakan oleh panitia.
“Kegiatan ini dimaksudkan agar dapat mengurangai rasa takut peserta khitan. Lokasi khitan dan ruang tunggu juga dibuat berjarak jauh agar tidak terdengar suara peserta khitan yang menangis,” kata Aditya Evan dari Rumah Zakat.
Tahap akhir dari rangakain khitan massal TA-TK-SD AL AZHAR SYIFA BUDI SURABAYA yaitu pengambilan obat pada depo obat serta penyerahan uang suka kepada seluruh peserta khitan yang berhasil di khitan. Selain itu, peserta juga diminta untuk istirahat makan dan minum obat serta istirahat 15-20menit untuk melihat kondisi hasil khitan.
Newsroom/ Aditya Evan
[:en]SURABAYA. Holiday is usually filled with many activities, one of which time circumcision for boys who have not circumcision. Time for mass circumcision with friends.
On December 21, 2017, TA-TK-SD Al Azir SYIFA BUDI Surabaya collaborated with Rumah Zakat. A total of 24 children perform mass circumcision.
H.Oni Kristanto Chairman of the Foundation Aurelia TA-TK-SD AL AZHAR SYIFA BUDI Surabaya conveyed his gratitude to all participants and parents and pray for the circumcision event went smoothly without any constraints.
Followed by the donation of Rumah Zakat charter to TA-TK-SD AL AZHAR SYIFA BUDI Surabaya as well as symbolic delivery of gifts (sarong, koko shirt, khitan pants) to one of the circumcision participants. Prior to the process of circumcision, tauziah was given about the obligation of circumcision for a Muslim by Imrs Imam Ghozali and closed with prayer.
Furthermore, the calling of circumcision participants according to the order of arrival numbers to be performed circumcision in circumcision room. During the process other participants are given gaming activities along with door prizes that have been provided by the committee.
“This activity is intended to reduce the fear of participant circumcision. The location of circumcision and waiting room are also made far away so as not to be heard the voice of the participant circumcision who cried, “said Aditya Evan from Rumah Zakat.
The final phase of the mass circumcision TA-TK-SD AL AZHAR SYIFA BUDI SURABAYA is the taking of drugs in the drug depot and the surrender of money likes to all participants of circumcision. In addition, participants were also asked to take a break and eat medication and rest 15-20min to see the circumstances of circumcision.
Newsroom / Aditya Evan