Zakat For Stunting
As many as 37% or around 9 million Indonesian toddlers are currently experiencing stunting, which is stunted growth, including the child’s brain. The problem of stunting in children is currently a dark cloud that threatens the future of the nation’s generation.
Stunted children are susceptible to disease and have difficulty achieving. When they are adults, stunted children are more susceptible to diabetes and heart disease. During their productive period, stunted children have lower productivity.
Posyandu as a means of nutrition education and monitoring toddler growth and development is very important in handling stunting. Through zakat funds, infaq and alms, Rumah Zakat donors play an active role in preventing stunting by providing posyandu coaching.
There are 526 Posyandu fostered by Rumah Zakat spread throughout Indonesia with the Posyandu Revitalization program, Providing additional food, Posyandu Cadre Training, and Monitoring the development of toddlers, immunization, PHBS education, and the realization of Healthy Toilets. There are 18,725 toddlers fostered by 2,366 Posyandu cadres.
Thank you for your zakat, infak, and alms to help Indonesia be free from stunting. Let’s collaborate to help more Indonesian children.