Zakat For Education

Economic problems are the main cause of low education participation and high dropout rates in underprivileged communities.

The Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (PPN/Bappenas) revealed that in 2019 in Indonesia there were around 4.3 million students who dropped out of school at various levels.

Education is one of the solutions to eradicating poverty, not only that, Education is also one of the 7 national development agendas for 2020-2024, namely increasing competitive human resources.

Providing scholarships and educational assistance can be an effort to equalize education, through zakat funds, infaq and alms, Rumah Zakat donors play an active role in providing access to education for orphans and the poor from underprivileged families

The Champion Children Scholarship, Quran House and Reading House are programs launched by Rumah Zakat in the field of Education. Until 2020, the recipients of the Champion Children Scholarship amounted to 57,931, 7,463 Quran Houses were built and 2,307 Reading Houses were operational.

Thank you. zakat, infak, your charity helps Indonesian children get access to education. Let’s collaborate to help more Indonesian children.